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"Where are you going?" Eddie asked as he held my wrist in his hand. I turned to him and saw a worried smile on his face. "You ok?" 

"I'm alright, I was just going to put my bag in my car." He moved his hand from my wrist, intertwining our fingers. I began walking to my car with him trailing behind, holding my hand. I dropped his hand as I saw Dustin and Mike at Nancy's car, next to mine. 

"Hey, Eddie," Nancy greeted as I unlocked my door throwing my bag into the car. 

"Hi, Nancy. How's Jonathon?" He asked. 

"He's good, he wanted me to let you know he said hi." 

"I take it your trip to California was nice?" 

"Yea, it was. Mike and Jane got to catch up and so did Jonathon and I." 

"How is she?" I asked abruptly. 

"Jane's good, she misses you." I gave a small smile as Eddie touched the small of my back. "They will hopefully be back for graduation."

"That's nice of them." Mike and Dustin got into Nancy's car. 

"Well, I guess they want to go, so I'll see you two around." Nancy smiled as she got into her car. They drove off as Eddie and I stood in the parking lot. 

"Do you want to go to the picnic tables?" Eddie asked. I looked around and noticed the same black car from last night. 

"Eddie, I want to but I actually have to go," I turned back to my car as I felt a hand on my back. 

"Dani, are you sure you are ok?" He asked leaning in close. I could smell the mixture of his musky cologne and cigarette smoke. 

"I promise, I'm ok. I just need to go over to my moms to help her with a few things." 

"Why don't I come help?" He quickly asked. 

"No, I can do it myself." I pushed him away a little. "I'll see you around though." I got into my car and pulled out of the parking lot. I drove down the secluded road to the abandoned lab, as the black car still followed me. Once at the lab, I parked behind the building and got out. 

"Who was that boy?" Dr. Brenner asked as they got out of the car. 

"Just a friend." I crossed my arms as they began walking up to the building. "There is one thing." They both turned to me. 

"What?" Brenner asked. 

"You aren't taking my hair this time." 

"Of course not," Owens responded with a smile. "We want this to seem as normal as possible for you." Brenner walked next to the building and slide away a slab of turf, exposing a door in the ground. 

"What's this?" I asked. 

"This is our new lab," Owens explained, opening the door. Brenner began down the stairs and I hesitantly followed. There was a loud slam of the door, which made me jump. "Dani, there is no need to be scared." 

"So when are you going to tell me how I can help you guys?" They ignored my question as they led me into a room. They sat down at a table and I followed. 

"The government seems to believe Jim is out there still." 

"How is that possible?"

"They want you to use your visions to see if he is. If there is a way he could have survived, they want you to see where he went, how he got there, and if it's a danger to America." 

I shook my head. 

"How am I supposed to do this? I don't have my abilities." 

"Dr. Brenner has come up with a formula, that should help with them." 

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚎 ||𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now