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"What did your mother get you into?" Dad asked as he sat on the couch with Dustin and Mike playing the Nintendo. 

"Oh, just some light shopping." I walked towards the stairs as Eddie followed. 

"That is light?" Dustin asked counting the bags I was holding. 

"You haven't seen shopping until it's black Friday and Chrissy and I wait all night outside of the mall." I headed upstairs and turned to Eddie. "It's weird you being here when my dad is here." 

"Why? Like keeping me a secret?" He had a wild smirk on his face. 

"Duh." I walked into my room and through the bags on the bed as Eddie sat on the edge, taking my hands. "I really loved the gift, Eddie. I can't believe you found it." He smiled up at me as he brought my hands to his lips. 

"It was pretty hard to find." I giggled as he placed my hands on his shoulders. "Now show me what you got, Beautiful." I dropped my hands and moved over to the bags, dumping everything out onto the bed. I began showing him each thing individually. 

"Put them on," He whined as I just held them up. 

"I just tried clothes on for three hours, Eddie. I am tired of it." He frowned before I sat next to him. "And I really like this dress." He put his hand on my thigh before leaning in to kiss me. 

"So do I." He brought his hand to my cheek, cupping it and bringing it towards his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. There was a little knock on the door and we stopped. 

"Come in." The door opened and Dustin was standing with something in his hand. 

"Am I interrupting anything?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"No, come in." He came in and looked at the pile of clothes on the bed, his eyes widened. 

"Did they eat your bed?" He asked pointing. 

"Of course, what else are clothes supposed to do?" We all laughed as he handed me the box in his hand. 

"This is your present from Mike, Lucas, Max, and I." I opened it and there was a picture frame with a picture of the five of us from Halloween this year. "We thought this would be your favorite memory of us." I smiled up at him as I felt tears in my eyes. 

"Dusty, I love it." I got up and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you." We hugged for a moment longer before Dustin pulled away. 

"Alright, well I should go back downstairs before Mike gets mad at dad for beating him again." He walked back downstairs and Eddie was looking at the clock. 

"Alright, Beautiful. I have a party to get you to." I smiled as he grabbed my hand and took me downstairs.

"Bring here home by two please," My dad said over the game. 

"Got it, sneak her through the window at five," Eddie joked and my dad looked back at us. 

"Smart kid," He smiled, which made me smile. I grabbed my bag and Eddie opened the door for me. "Have fun, you guys." Once outside, Eddie picked me up and carried me to his van. 

"Eddie! Put me down!" He opened the door and set me in the passenger seat. 

"Your chariot awaits, m'lady." He smiled down at me as he buckled me in. He reached into his pocket and grabbed out his bandana. 

"What is that for?" I asked tilting my head as he reached to put it around my eyes. "Eddie, are you guys going to sacrifice me to some angry god?" Eddie let out a laugh as he tied it around my head. 

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