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The sun shined in through the windows, waking me up. I looked around to see Eddie still holding me close. I carefully wiggled my way out of his arms not to wake him up. I grabbed a t shirt off of the floor and went into the bathroom to change. I went down to the kitchen and began making breakfast. I turned on the tv in the living room to a random channel for background noise. I finished the eggs and French toast, as the bacon was just about finishing. 

"She cooks too?" Eddie asked. I turned around to see him standing in the opening of the stairs. 

"Oh look who's finally awake." I opened the fridge and grabbed out orange juice and set it on the counter. I plated the food and put it on the kitchen table and poured myself coffee. "Coffee or juice?" 

"Juice, definitely. Coffee is for big people." I grabbed Eddie a cup and handed it to him. He poured his juice then sat down. "What do I owe this pleasure of breakfast?" 

"No reason, I just usually make breakfast when my dad's not home." We both began to eat and something on the tv caught my attention. 

"A fire at the former Benny's Burgers last night has lead to a few missing people. This included Hawkins High junior, Chrissy Cunningham, and senior basketball star Patrick McKinney. If you have heard or seen anything regarding these two missing teens, please call the Hawkins Police tip line." 

"Oh my god. I knew something wasn't right last night." I got up and ran to the landline. I dialed the police station. 

"Hawkins police, how can I help you?" A lady on the other end asked. 

"I need to speak to Robert Henderson please, this is his daughter." There was a paused on the other end. 

"Can you hold for me?" 

"Yea, sure." I looked over at Eddie who looked really worried. 

"It looks like he is not available right now, he is out on patrol. Can I leave a message for him?" The lady asked. 

"No, it's fine. Thank you." I hung up the phone and dialed someone else.

"Hello?" The older mans voice asked. 

"Hi Mr Harrington. Is Steve there?" 

"No, he's working. Is this one of his little girlfriends? I told him to stop giving you guys our number." 

"Um, no this is Dani Henderson. I was just looking for him, thanks though. Bye." I hung up before he could say anything else. I dialed Family Video.

"Family Video, this is Robin how can I help you?" 

"Robin, hi, it's Dani. Is Steve there?" I asked. 

"Oh hey, Dani. Steve is helping a customer right now, is there anything I can help you with?" I turned into the stairway holding the phone cord. 

"Turn on the news," I said quietly so Eddie wouldn't hear. I heard shuffling and the sound of the tv being turned on the other side. 

"Oh my god," I heard Robin say. "Steve can you come here?" 

"What Robin, I was almost going to ask-" 

"Dani is on the line, look at the headline." 

"Dani, hey. Are you ok?" Steve asked. 

"Steve, I think it's happening again. Like with Will and Barb." I heard him sigh on the other side. 

"Why don't you come over to the store and we can close early and go look for them. Maybe they just got lost after the fire?" Steve tried to calm me through the phone. 

𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝙼𝚎 ||𝙴𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎 𝙼𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now