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POV: Jewel

I laid back down as the maid took away the food tray. I have been thinking of asking the midwives to induce labor now. These babies are hurting me too much. I think I'm ready to deliver.

I'm waiting for just one more day, if labor doesn't come today, I will have them induce it. Hayley and Donato would be leaving today for their day off. Dona came in before I started eating. We chatted for a while and then he left after caressing my belly a bit.

"Jewel?" There was a knock on the door. "You're done eating, right?" She asked as she entered and sat beside me.
"I am, Hayls," I said and she grabbed my hand.

"I wanted to come to see you before we leave." She seemed a bit nervous as I felt the coldness in her hands.
"I'm happy you did." I chuckled and turned off the AC.

"So did you decide on a name yet?" She asked as she looked at my belly. "Did hunter decide his name?" She asked another question.

"We have." I said as she caressed my bump.
"Do you plan on not telling me now?" She pouted as I teased her.
"We are naming the girl Raelyn and the boy Azriel."

There was a short silence as she thought about the names I told her. "Both sound good with your and his surnames." She said and sighed lowly.

"What is it?" I asked as I had enough of that nervous and worried face.
"What is what?"
"What are you thinking?"

"It must be scary right?" She said as there was a movement in my belly. One of the babies was moving. "Committing a lifetime to raise children...when life is so unsure." She sighed and fidgeted with her emerald ring.

Because of that ring, I knew this was related to some issue she and Dona were having. "Did something happen with Dona?" I asked. She nodded a yes and took a deep chilly breath.

"Is it scary tho? How did you decide you wanted to have kids?" She questioned me. I knew she wasn't searching for my answers but her answers.

"I was scared. You know I was. I wouldn't be so confident about children if it weren't for Hunter. I love him and I know, whatever happens, he wouldn't leave me out in the cold." I explained and caressed my bump.

"What is your issue tho?" I asked as she didn't tell me anything yet.
"I think I might be pregnant now." She said and removed her hands from mine. She rubbed them together.

"That should be happy news, Hayls," I said, staring at her.
"I said I might be. I'm not sure." She sighed.

"I don't know if I'll even stay fit enough to raise a kid."
"Why would you say that?" I sat up a little.
"Xavier will come for me. Tissaia will come if he doesn't. I'll be harmed or dead. Otherwise, Dona will be the target." I nodded, listening to her.

"And I don't think I'm capable enough to raise a kid on my own. I don't want to leave Dona alone with the responsibility either." She sighed. "I don't know what to do."

"When I was worried like you, what did you all tell me?" I said as she helped me sit up straight. "You all told me that you all survived and my kids will too. You all told me I don't need to be worried. I say the same to you." I pointed at her.

She didn't respond. "You still have time. You can take tests and then take time to decide on it." I said and caressed her hand. She sniffed softly and then looked at me.

"You still have some tests on you?" She asked.
"Top drawer, left the cabinet in the bathroom," I said.

"Does Dona know....?" I asked.
"He does. He said I should take the tests at the cabin." I nodded a yes. She hugged me, I wrapped my hands around her.

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