the same old memories

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POV: Hayley

I gasped as the cold water made contact with my face. It felt as if I had banged my head on a block of ice. I opened my eyes to find those two men in front of me again. I sat up against the pole and stared blank at them.

They both came towards me and opened my chains. "¿Cuáles son tus malditos nombres? (What are your fucking names?)" I said and coughed.
"¿Por qué deberíamos decirte Cunt? (Why should we tell you, Cunt?)" One of them said as he stood up.

The other one opened the chains on my legs. "¿Por qué no deberías hacerlo? ¿Se negó tu amo, pequeños esclavos?(Why shouldn't you? Did your master refuse, petty slave?)" I said.
"Mi Nombre es Dimitri.(My name is Dimitri.)" The one who was opening the chains on my legs said.

"Que mierda!(What the fuck!)" The other man shouted.
"¿Qué hay de malo en decírselo?(What is wrong with telling her?)" Dimitri said. "Su nombre es Miguel.(His name is Miguel.)" He said.

I didn't talk to them more. They both picked me up and took me back inside the house. We stopped in front of the stairs. They left my arms and I looked around. It looked like the kitchen of a small apartment, which reminded me of the time I lived with Jewel in that apartment.

"Caminar.(Walk!)" Miguel said, pushing me ahead of a little. I walked up the stairs as the two men walked behind me, keeping me on track and watching me like hawks. I came to stop in front of a sliding door.

It was the only way so I slid it open and it was a decent room with a small closet and single bed. I didn't walk ahead but They pushed me inside and closed the door once I was inside. I looked around and took in every detail of the room.

Who knows, things here might come in handy.

I sighed as my stomach grumbled again. I can still go a few hours without food, I don't mind anymore but I need water. I haven't had any water for almost a day now. I sat down against the edge of the bed, saving the energy I have left.

I knew I was here because that redhead bitch wanted to torture me more. One thing I still need an answer to is why is she working with Xavier like this? If she wanted Donato, she could've just killed me on spot then gone after him.

Why keep me alive for Xavier to ravish? I was thinking through the situation when the door opened and shut again. I looked up and it was Tissaia. Bitch. She smirked at me then pulled out some clothes from the closet and threw them on the bed.

"Wear these." She said.
"How will you make me wear those?" I asked. "Will you be my butler?"
"Why so bitchy, Girly?" She said and dragged a chair in front of me and sat on it. "Is it because of the starvation? Dehydration? or...loneliness?" I looked away from her as she smirked again.

"Maybe a bit of all." She stood up and went to the bed. "What would look the best on you now...?" She said and threw dresses on the floor. "Red, Emerald, Blue or black?" She said.
"What are you dressing me up for?" I asked, looking blankly at the dresses.

POV: Hayley's flashback

"What would look the best on me?" I asked him.
"I don't" He said, sitting up and covering himself with the sheets.
"Other than black. You always choose black."
"Don't make black a choice if you don't want me to choose it." He said.

I eye-rolled and sat down in front of him. "Choose wisely, Donato. The white one is strapless, the purple has a slit and the black one has tiny straps across the back, and a deep neck." I said, laying the dresses out of him.

"Black." He looked at me, not very amused though. "Why are you spending so much time on this?" He said and put the dresses away. "Wear anything you want. You don't need to ask me if you look beautiful or not, you know the answer."

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