Rescue Crew

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POV: Dimitri (Meanwhile

"¿Tienes un centavo? (Do you have a cent?)" She asked me. I reached in my back pocket and gave Hayley a cent. She put in the phone and dialled the number. I looked around as people came out of the building next to us. 

I stood next to her as she waited for the call to initiate. 

POV: Hunter. (Meanwhile)

"Hunter! Come here, I have two calls in this area." I heard Aaron shout and I put Donato on hold.
"Tap them then, record their locations," I said to him. He traced one of the calls and listened to it.

"Here." He said and gave me one earphone. I plugged it in and listened to the conversation. 
"This is not for us, try the other one," I said as I found the conversation to be useless. 
"Hunter, what is going on?" I heard Donato's small voice through my phone. 

"Aaron found two calls in Brownville. We traced one and-" I stopped as the call suddenly went on hold. What the fuck is happening? 

POV: Donato (Meanwhile) 

"Hello?" I said again as I couldn't hear hunter anymore. I looked at my phone and there was another call coming in. I picked up the call from the unknown number, disconnecting Hunter. 

The call started and I waited for someone to speak. "Hello?" I stopped the car as soon as I recognized that voice. 
"Amore?" I said. 
"Dona..." Her shaken voice reached me again. "I need you..." She said and coughed then sighed, seeming exhausted. "I ran away, get me home." 

"Where are you?" I asked and waited desperately for her answer. "Hayley? Answer me. Where are you, I'll come there right now-" My heart sank as I heard the beep. The call got cut.  

POV: Dimitri (Meanwhile) 

"I need you..." She said and coughed then sighed, seeming exhausted. "I ran away, get me home." She said and I stepped closer to him. She didn't speak for a few seconds. 

I noticed her eyes closing. In a split second, the phone dropped from her hand and she succumbed to the ground. I reached for and grabbed her hand, picking her up from the ground. "¿¡Hayley!? ¡Levántate, Mujer! Este no es el momento. (Hayley!? Get up, Woman! This is not the time.)" I said to her. 

I made it look like I was hugging her as people were passing by us. I grabbed the phone and found the call disconnected. A la mierda mi Vida (Fuck my life). I held her and took her to a nearby dark alley. 

I laid her down on the floor and tried to find a way to get out of this horrible situation. 

POV: Donato (Meanwhile) 

"Hunter, I got a call from her, she, fuck-" I sighed and tried to contain my mixed emotions of fear and excitement. "I got a call from Hayley, she ran away, we-" 

"Can you fucking stop?! I tapped the call from here!" Hunter shouted. "I have her location, I'm sending it, meet me there, I will have Jewel there too." 
"We don't have time to pick Jewel up, explain her, and goddamn take her there!?!" I shouted back at him. 

"Just do as I said!? For once!?" He said and sighed. "Meet me there, I sent it to you." He cut the call. I got his text message about the location and I started driving toward it. the hell did she get there? 

POV: Hunter (Meanwhile) 

"I was just about-" 
"We found Hayley's location. I have sent it to you." I said, cutting Jewel off.
"WHAT?! Fuck...Are you for real?" She asked me, taking a deep breath. 
"I won't joke about this, would I now?" I said. "Give the phone to one of your guards." 

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