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POV: Hayley

I gathered all the plates and put them near the sink. I put the leftovers in a separate bowl and left the plates to be washed. "Let's go. I have him out in the garden." Dona said, rubbing my lower back.

"Why the garden? I thought we were going to your office." I said and washed my hands.
"Hunter is working there, regarding some finances." He explained.
"Alright," I said and walked out to the garden with him. Dimitri was standing, looking up at the sky.

I sometimes wonder what it might feel like to live alone in this world and lose the kid you wished to cherish your whole life. I sighed and stood behind him. Dona stood beside me. "Hey," I said.
"Hey." He turned around and gave us both a soft smile. "I wanted to thank you." He said, slowly managing his words.

I knew his English was a little weak.

Dona nodded and looked at him. "You might want to tell me what exactly happened." He said. We all sat down on the grass.
"It started when I was in a room," I said, explained. "One night, Xavier came to me, it was the first time I saw him in years." I took a deep breath and looked at both of them.

"He tried to...again." I chuckled awkwardly. "He tried to force himself on me." Dona sighed and removed his eyes from me. "The owner of that house, who had given me some supplies and a knife. I used that knife to wound him, he left the room in a rage."

"Judy was her name, an old lady," Dimitri added.
"The next morning, Miguel, one of his men, took me to the basement. I saw a woman, his ex-wife was tied to the chair." I said, pointing at Dimitri. "Next to her was their son, Matteo. I do not know how she got involved but-"

"I brought her with me when I joined Xavier," Dimitri said. "She was sleeping with him."
"I never understood why but I think it was just to torture me. He shot the woman dead while Tissaia forced me to watch. That boy ran to me, I held him as he just cried. Then the boy was pulled away by Xavier and shot dead."

"Fuck..." I heard Dona whisper.
"Don't call my son a boy, he was brave to take that bullet." Dimitri glared at me.

"He was," I said.
"I don't care what you have with him but I want him dead. That cunt woman too." He said and Dona nodded in agreement. "Pondré la tumba de mi hijo sobre la de ese cabrón. (I will place my son's grave over that cunt's.)"

"What did he say?" Dona asked me.
"He said he will make his son's grave above Xavier's," I explained.
"We need a plan," Dimitri said.

"We do," Dona said. "You can stay here, you helped her, I'm grateful." He said, pointing at me.
"We need to start planning. They might just come here if we give them more time." I said. Dimitri nodded and sniffed.

"You should rest for a day. We are going somewhere." Dona said to him.
"¿Dónde?." Dona glanced at me 'cause he didn't understand Dimitri.

"He asked where," I said. "Sólo tomando un día libre. Necesito decirle todo lo que sé.( I am just taking a day off. I need to tell him everything I know.)" I said to Dimitri.
"Está bien. Buenas Noches." He said and stood up, going back inside.

"He said ok and goodnight." Dona sighed and turned to me.
"What did he do? How did he help you?" He asked and laid his head on my lap.

"The day after those two murders, Xavier took me out, he wanted to walk with me. We planned to create some distraction so I can run and get to a vehicle." He nodded, listening. "He was talking some shit about old days and shit, I snapped at him. He just grabbed me and started kissing me."

"Is that how you got that?" He said and ran his thumb over my busted lip.
"He was forcing me, I was trying to pull away. He just became an animal, chewing on my lip, it felt like he was eating me." I soughed and looked down at him.

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