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POV: Donato
It was over three hours since I found her passed out and laid her in bed. I sat near the coffee table, waiting for a movement from her. I'd be lying if I said it didn't worry me, it did but not groundbreakingly much. I was just worried that she might die or get sick here. Trust me-

She started moving a little and mumbled in her unconsciousness. I sat up straight and observed her as she moved again. "Hayley?" I called her name as she whimpered in her sleep like she was in a dream.  

She didn't say anything. I walked to her and shook her arm gently. "Wake up!" She again painfully whimpered in her unconsciousness. I shook her arm again. Whatever she was feeling through it, she wasn't able to wake up from it. 

I looked around for some way to wake her up. I looked at her face which had a terrified expression on it. It seemed as if she was scared of whatever she was seeing in her sleep. I cupped her chin in my left palm and shook her head a little. 

"Hayley, wake up!" She groaned and gasped as her eyes opened from the movement. I left her chin and moved a little back. 

She groaned as she sat up slowly and looked around absentmindedly. "Wha-" She stopped in between and looked at me with a blank, confused face. That same type of fear came over her face again. It was a fear one would have if they saw their deaths coming their way. I looked at her being confused as she tried to put words out. 

"Why...umm...Dona..." I sighed and put my hand out toward her face to cup her face. She immediately flinched and gasped as my fingers touched her cheek. I took my hand back and looked at her. 

"It's fucking me, why the fuck are you scared of me now?!" I raised my tone a little and she sat up.

POV: Hayley
I came back to reality and realized that the person in front of me was Donato and not the one I was hallucinating. He was purely and utterly confused, it was clear from his face. I sighed and got up and went to the bathroom, locking myself in it. 

He followed me and knocked on the door when I locked it. "You need to fucking answer me, Hayl-" "Stop, just for a while." 

He gave no response. I turned on the tap and washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. All I saw were my demons, they surfaced on my face. No matter which side of my face the focus was on, it still reflected that fear. Just how??! How after two years he found my address and dared to send me that note?!

Everything that came to have a connection with him, reeked of danger and abuse. All it took was one note that may just seem like a sweet message from a loving person, but only I know what kind of monster wrote that. 

Donato knocked again and I opened the door. He pulled me out by grabbing my hand and pinned me to the wall. "What's the deal with you? Who the fuck goes and tries to drown in a bathtu-" I rested my hands on his chest, shutting him in between. 

"Just shut up and forget you ever saw that." He scoffed and grabbed my neck, making me face him. 
"You better answer me, Hayley. Don't make me get it ou-"

"Donato, please shut up. I don't have the energy or the will to argue with you right now." I said in an irritated tone and went and sat down on the bed. 

"Just don't try to drown in a bathtub again." He eye-rolled. My mind was already not stable and he was irritating me. His words started to anger me now. 

"Fine, next time I'll come to your room and jump off the balcony." I eye-rolled and was about to lay down when he grabbed a hold of my neck again and pinned me to the bed. 

"I really don't want that kind of reply after fucking saving you and staying up for 3 extra hours." 

"I didn't fucking tell you to save me!?? It was your choice!"

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