The end

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(5 months later)

POV: Donato 

My head was messed up as I saw the pool of blood that flowed as Hayley fought to stay awake during birth. She was under some medication to ease the pain but it seemed like it was making her sleepy. 

I did as I was told and helped her stay focused, wiping her face with a wet cloth. "If she falls asleep, we won't be able to have a normal birth." The doctor informed me while handling his tools. 

"Is he out yet?" She shouted out of the blue and groaned loudly. 
"Calm down, Amore." I wiped her forehead. "You're doing good." 
"Push him out, lady." The doctor said. "I see some of the head." 

I grabbed her hand and anticipated as she cried in pain, using all her strength. "I see the head." I heard the blur voice of the doctor and the blood spilled on the hospital floor. My eyes were focused on hers as they closed. 

She let out a sigh and I felt like I had lost her. I pat her cheek, trying to keep her awake for some time. "I'll take it from here." A nurse came to me and attached Hayley to glucose. I kissed her head and waited silently on the couch. 

"How's the baby?" I asked the only nurse present with me. The other nurses left to, I think, clean the baby. The doctor went to change. 
"Very healthy. A beautiful baby girl." I nodded with a soft smile. "She is okay too." I looked at Hayley. 

"She lost a lot of blood," I said. 
"It's fine. A bit of rest and she will be ready to meet the baby." She said. I waited for some more minutes as they shifted Hayley to a room.

The nurses finally handed my daughter to me. She had my eyes and Hayley's nose. Her lips matched mine. I rocked and snuggled to her, waiting for Hayley to wake up. 

POV: Hayley 

I felt nothing down my torso. It was like my body didn't exist below my chest. I heard those soft baby sounds which relieved my rapid heartbeat. "Hey." Dona sat beside me on a stool, holding out the baby. 

"Hey," I said and moved upwards on the bed. I was being fed glucose through a needle and my pelvis hurt as fuck. "How's he?" 
"It's a she, Amore." He glanced at me with the biggest smile ever. 

"A girl," I said and watched her. "She has my nose, doesn't she?" Her limbs were so tiny, I was almost afraid of touching her little fingers. 
"She has my eyes," Dona whispered, having his moment with her. He always spoke to me while looking at me, until now. 

He was utterly in awe of the baby. "Dona." I groaned as I felt the same pain I felt during the birth. 
"What happened?" He looked up at me. 
"Call the nurse. I think the placenta is coming." I took some breaths in. 

"Stay here, I'll get the nurse." He stood up and went out of the room. 
"It's not like I can move-" I groaned and tried to stay calm. 


I lay with no movement as the nurse cleaned up the room. They took the placenta out and let me rest. Meanwhile, Dona waited outside for a bit with the baby. "I feel my chest getting wet," I said to the nurse with concern. 

"You're milking, child." The nurse was an old lady, maybe in her mid-50s. "It's time to feed your kid." She said and helped me sit up. I sat, resting my back against the headboard. 
"I feel fragile though." 

I told her. "You just gave birth. Give your body some time to heal." She told me and went outside. Shortly after Dona came in and scanned the room. I carefully took the baby from him and he sat beside me. 

"You're alright?" He asked, rubbing my leg. 
"Better than before," I said. "I feel like my back will not be the same again." I adjusted the hospital gown. 

He helped me a bit and I started feeding her. "I've been thinking about what to name her." 
"You got some names?" I asked him. "I honestly can't pick a name." 
"What about Maddelena?" 

I thought about the name for a bit while caressing her tiny head. "It's nice but I don't feel like it fits her, Amore." He nodded. 
"Well, we have time." He gave me a soft smile. 

He grabbed my hand and caressed it. "I hope she doesn't bite you." He said mindlessly. I tried but couldn't help it. I laughed. 
"Dona, she doesn't have teeth. She's a few hours old." 

I noticed the bags under his eyes. "You haven't slept." 
"I couldn't. Two nights ago you were having bad contractions and then labor." He kissed my hand. 
"Just let me finish feeding her. Then all three of us can sleep." 

"Jewel sent clothes for you and her. If you want to change, tell me." I nodded. We enjoyed the silence as I fed and cherished our daughter. 

"I think I can put her down now," I whispered to him. He took her from my hands and placed her in the crib next to me. I pulled my clothes down and pat the space near me. He sighed and lay beside me. 

"Come closer," I said to him. 
"I don't want to cause any discomfort." He said. "You're wrapped up." 
"Just come close," I said with a demanding voice. 

He sat up and snuggled near my ear. He kissed it softly and we both lay down. I sighed in relief as my body relaxed. My lower half muscles had been so tight, but they finally settled. 

"Do you know for how long we have known each other?" I asked him mindlessly. 
"Why do you ask suddenly?" Dona replied. 
"Just answer." I glanced at him. 
"I don't know exactly. Almost a year ago, I believe." 

I nodded with a smile. "You remember the first time you saw me?" 
"I do." He lightly put his hand over my stomach. "And I never thought I would have a baby with you." 
"Just about the baby? You thought of everything else?" 

"I knew there would be something sexual with you. I sensed it." He chuckled lightly and kissed my cheek. I smiled a little and stared at him. 
"Our lives took a 360-degree turn in a year," I said with a smile. 

"I think I'll do it all over again." He whispered. 




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