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POV: Hayley

A week has passed since we confirmed our pregnancy. I've been coming to the warehouse with Dona for the last two days to instruct some members on the rumors. Things are going well with them. 

I sighed as the last two of the men left the cabin. Dona had imported the guns Suleiman demanded. I opened one of the boxes and took the gun out. It was a machine gun, a little heavy for my liking. 

"Put that down, Amore." He said. I turned around and shot him a glare. Since we had the test results, he has been extra cautious with me. He doesn't let knives or guns near, doesn't let me go somewhere alone, and always tells me to be careful. 

It is cute to some extent, but now it's getting out of hand. "Dona I'm pregnant, not injured or weak," I said, putting the gun down. 
"Got it!" He said, completely ignoring my answer. 

"What?" I said and walked over to his desk. 
"There has been a counterclaim to the rumors." He said and read a text from his phone. "One of the men reported that they heard that a Spanish gang is being ruled by a woman, not a man." 

"This is responsive," I said and sat down. 
"Let's provoke her more." He said, writing down something on a piece of paper. He handed it to me. 
"Dona, that's derogatory," I said, reading the note. "You truly want to expose such an intimate detail about her life?" 

"It's not that intimate and it's not real." He sat. "Some people did suspect Edward to be a little intimate with his daughter, I'm just furthering the same idea years later." I nodded. "I'll text everyone." He started working on his phone. 

"I'm going to James Park," I said, looking at my phone. Jewel wanted to go out for a stroll with the babies. I had shown her my pregnancy test results and she was happy for me. 
"Why?" He asked, looking at me as I stood up. 
"Just taking the babies out for a stroll," I answered. 

He shook his head and grabbed my hand, pecking the back of my palm softly. "Take some guards." 
"Dona please!" I said. "Why do you forget that I can defend myself properly? Even better than your men can." He sighed and stood up. 

"Fine, just give me a call when you both leave at least." He said, cupped my face, and kissed me. I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed his mouth. A few minutes later, I was in my car and driving to pick Jewel and the kids up. 


I opened the door to my room and threw my top on the bed. I couldn't bare with this heat anymore. I wanted to fucking shower and rest. I never thought a walk around a park would tire me this much. 

I heard the door click open behind me as I took my jeans off. It could only be Dona, only he has the keys. "You got here just now?" I asked, putting my jeans on the bed and taking off my hair tie. 

"Just a long day. You should've told me how tiring this rumor method could be." He said and ran a hand through his hair. His gaze fell on me as I took off my underwear and bra. I felt his eyes roam around my body and watched as a soft smile appeared on his face. 

"I know you like nakedness but why are you smiling?" I stood up and grabbed a towel from the closet. I was closing the closet door when his arms snaked around my naked waist and his head rested on my shoulder. 

"Remember how Hunter used to caress Jewel's belly?" I nodded a yes to him. "I'm just imaging how beautiful you would look in a dress with a pregnant belly." 
"What did you imagine?" I asked, turning around and resting my back against the closet door. 

His thumb rubbed softly on my pelvic bone. "Just you in the garden like always, with your hair open, a beautiful dress on you, and your hands wrapped around your belly." He said in a low voice and rested his chin on my head. 

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