Wrench- The Pigeon Incident

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We were sitting on the grass near the hackerspace, I was eating some lunch and Wrench just was nibbling on some sweets and sipping a coffee under his mask.

All of a sudden a flock of pigeons landed near the grass a few meters away.

"Aww look at the cute pigeons" I squeal, I have a love for the squishy birds.

"The fucking what where!" Wrench shouts, jumping as his sweets go everywhere.

I stifle a laugh, before breaking some bread off of my sandwich and throwing it to them.

"What the fuck, don't feed them!" Wrench exclaims to me.

"Why not?" I say, my face scrunching up in confusion.

"Because!" Wrench says stiffly, moving closer to me and sitting up from his half laying position.

"Because?" I draw out.

"Because then they'll attack, feed them once and they think you're God" Wrench says, I notice his tone is serious.

"Okay, but I don't think they're going to attack" I gently say to him.

The pigeons make their noises and just toddle about, until one starts wandering towards us.

"Whoa, whoa whoa!" Wrench panics, scooting closer to me so he's practically on my knees.

"You've fought gangs, broke into serious places and been kidnapped by the FBI, but pigeons are your limit?" I ask incredulously.

"Yeah Y/N, they're fucking deadly" Wrench's suddenly high pitched tone tells me.

I can't hold in the laughter anymore, I let out a snort giggle which happens to scare the pigeons away.

"Alright, you can stop now" Wrench says, scooting back to his original spot and crossing his arms, sulking.

"I'm sorry" I laugh, trying to recover my sanity.

"Look, I just have a thing about animals" He says.

I look to see he's serious, and so I respect his honestly and nod, only smiling now. "It's okay, I'm terrified of butterflies" I say.

Wrench hmmms

"Since lunch is over, should we get back inside?" I ask, he nods and I gather my things.

We begin walking back to the hackerspace but suddenly something falls from the sky and onto Wrench.

He looks on his shoulder and I let out another giggle. Pigeon poop.

"See, the little shits need exterminating" Wrench angrily says.

"At least you're gonna get good luck" I shrug, raising an eyebrow, before holding the door for my poop covered man.

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