Wrench- Flirting and Fanfic

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"Whatcha reading?" Wrench teases from behind me. I hold my phone to my chest as my cheeks heat up.

"Nothing!" I say in a high voice I might as well have inhaled helium.

"Really? Why are you so ree then?" He asks, jumping over the couch to come and sit next to me.

"I'm not, I'm just naturally maroon." I laugh, carefully tucking my phone under my body.

"I can see you, you know." Wrench deadpans, and I shake my head.

"Nu-uh, I'm just stretching." I smile, lifting my arms up to exaggerate.

Wrench suddenly launches himself forward on top of me and tries to grab my phone, so I grab his arms and wrap my legs around him so he can't move.

"This is sexy" He jokes, making me blush even more.

Whilst I'm distracted he quickly rolls off of the couch with me still clinging on to him so we both land on the floor, with me on top of him and my phone in his hand.

I cover my face with my hands as he reads the fanfic I was...looking at...briefly...

"He then sheathed himself into- Jesus
Y/N you dirty girl" He teases, tuting as he continues to read.

"Fuck off." I mumble, opening an eye to see his mask change to 0_0

"This is...inspirational." He winks, putting down my phone and wrapping his arms around me to keep me in place.

"Take me, I'm yours!" He exclaims, making me laugh as I punch his shoulder.

"The only place I'm taking you is the fucking doctors, you weirdo." I joke, wriggling to get up.

"Now that can be kinky." He mumbles, sitting up with me still on his lap.

"Can I get off now?" I ask, not realising the trap I've just fell into.

Wrench leans in to my ear and murmurs "Sure, let's try out a scene from one of your smutty fanfics."

My breath hitches before I push him back on the floor where he thunks with a "Ouch."

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