Sitara- View

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The lift finally reaches the top of Sutro Tower, before I face my fear and shakily climb the ladder all the way to the top.

Once up, I stand on wobbly legs, and am greeted by a familiar face.

"Hey sweetie" Sitara smiles, I nod a 'hello' back before planting myself down near the edge.

"Jesus, this is a but high up Sitara" I nervously laugh, looking up at her as she looks outwards into the city beyond, the last rays of sunlight make her purple hair seem much more brighter.

"Scared of heights, don't worry I won't let you fall...far" She jokes.

I give a sarcastic laugh as she sits beside me, dangling her legs off of the edge.

"Why did you ask me to come up here?" I wonder.

"In exactly three minutes you'll have your answer babe" Sitara smiles at me, her pink finger joining with mine as out hands splay out next to each other.

We sit in a comfortable silence, but it's soon disrupted when Sitara grabs her phone and snaps a picture of us, the sun setting behind us.

"Wow" I breathe, watching the sky light from a hazy orange to  magnificent red.

I stare and stare at the sun slowly dropping beyond the city, and look at Sitara, who is already look at me with the biggest smile on her face.

She reaches out a hand and brushes a strand of hair out of my face, leaning in and pressing a kiss to my eyelids.

"As much as I love this, I'm reaching my limit of being away from the precious ground" I ask with my eyes closed.

"Hmmm, alright" Sitara whispers, pressing one last featherlight kiss to my nose.

We both climb down together, her a little more efficiently than me.

As I step down the final step, Sitara grabs my waist and squeezes me into a hug, her hands sneaking around my back and giving my butt a little squeeze.

I laugh and playfully shove her off, squatting down to give her a piggyback, she hops on, light as a feather.

We march through the lit up streets, laughing, joking and me dealing with Sitara using my head as a steering wheel.

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