Wrench- Waiting

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You sit up in bed, waiting on Wrench to come home, you know he sometimes 'works' late, but you still like to see him before you go to sleep. Time passes and in the end your tiredness wins, and you snuggle under the blankets, your phone next to you.

A chime wakes you up, and you look to see there's a new message from Wrench.
Sorry, I got caught up. Now on my way home.
Ps. Sorry if I woke you <3

You wiggle your toes like an excited child as you wait for Wrench, minutes later you hear the front door open and close and the familiar sound of his shoes being tossed to the side and his mask being taken off.

Wrench carefully sneaks into the bedroom, making sure to not turn the light on, but pauses when he sees you sitting up in bed, eyes half closed from sleep and hair a bit of a mess.

"Hey Sweetheart, sorry I woke you up" Wrench mumbles, his voice deep and sleepy, he approaches the bed and plants a kiss on your forehead.

"Hey" You mumble back, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand, letting out a small yawn as Wrench undresses, "it's fine, at least I know you're home safe".

He gives you a sleepy smile as he climbs into his side of the bed, yawning as you snuggle up to him, he lazily wraps his arm asking your middle, keeping you close to his chilly body.

"You're cold" You whisper into the darkness, before pulling the duvet further up over you both.

Wrench "hmmms" sleepily as his breath evens out, and he goes to sleep.

You smile at his peaceful face as your eyes get heavy, and you fall asleep curled up against him like a cat.

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