Wrench- Stay In Jail

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This imagine features spoilers from the Watchdogs Legion Bloodline DLC.

Wrench POV
Just when I think it's all over, Rempart gets up, clutching his face as he snarls "I'll come after all your little friends in San Francisco. Josh. Sitara. Marcus. Hell, I'll even give your little girlfriend a visit."

Oh, he definitely shouldn't of said that. And he definitely shouldn't have mentioned her.

"Tommy, I thought you liked your life." I cheerily say, my body shakes from pure anger as I pick up my sledgehammer and slam it down on his foot. He screams with pain and I laugh, enjoying the sound of his high pitched wails.

"Fuck you, you fucking dumbass, just wait until I get my hands on your girlfriend!" He shouts. Jesus fucking Christ, doesn't this man ever learn?

I sigh and bring the sledgehammer up again, this time swinging it across his face. I cheer as he launches across the room, his body slumping on the floor as his mouth drips with blood.

I slowly prowl towards him, crouching down I forcefully grab his cheek and squeeze, "If you're smart, you'll stay in jail."

With that I stand up, I bring my knee up and knock him out. Feeling a sense of fulfillment I begin tying him up and turning the barge around for the journey back to the good ol' shores of London. And back to her.

In the meantime, I deicide to write a little note for Albion.

Your POV
I sit at the park bench, my knee nervously bouncing as I keep checking my phone. I received a text from my boyfriend, Wrench, that everything was sorted and I told him to meet me here.

I look around in the dark and see the familiar figure of him walking towards me. Without hesitation I stand up and run towards him. Wrench easily picks me up and spins me around, since he's stronger than he looks.

I bury my face into his neck, "I was so worried about you, fucking Rempart. Is everything okay now?" I mumbles as he sets me on my feet, his hands still hold my waist.

Wrench nods and brushes my hair back, "It's all over, it just look a little longer than expected."

I nod and wrap and arm around Wrench's middle as he snakes his arm around my shoulders. We begin walking to the road when Wrench receives a call from Aiden Pearce, the vigilante he's been working with.

"How'd it all go?" A gruff voice asks.

"It went swell Mr Pearce. Thanks for your help, hey, we're like a dream team."

I laugh and press a kiss to Wrench's shoulder, "I'll stick to being the mascot."

Wrench looks down at me and winks, "You're the prettiest mascot in the world."

"Right. I'm hanging up now." Aiden huffs and ends the call.

Wrench laughs as we get into a taxi and drive to his place.

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