Chapter 1

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    So after reading some stories on the Internet about these two, I figured I'd eventually make a bunch of oneshots on them. And where to start than with the one that started it all? P.S., these will all take place in the Sonic Boom universe, just to point that out.

    In a lonely part of the forest, far from the town where the foxes lived, something was hiding there, tinkering on an invention. That "something" was an orange and white fox with sky-blue eyes named Miles Prower. He was a very smart fox for his young age, capable of building a lot of stuff. Suddenly, rustling could be heard from the grass. Before he could react, a group of about 3 bullies showed up. Two held him back while the third (probably their leader) smashed what Miles was working on, after which they beat him up.

    Later, Miles limped through the forest, carrying his invention- well, what was left of it, that is. This wasn't the first time he'd been beat up. Besides the fact that he was a smart guy, the others back in town tend to pick on him for it. Not just that, no. The #1 reason he was always picked on? It was because of his tails. You see, Miles wasn't your typical fox. Whereas other foxes had one tail, Miles was born with two tails that were identical to each other. Just for those things, he was always criticized by others, even from his parents, who ended up throwing him out. Now he spent his days hiding in alleyways and digging through trash cans for anything to satisfy his hunger. And he always tried (and failed) to hide from those who want to hurt him. And by "those" I mean the entire town. They all thought he was cursed because of those twin tails of his, thus why no one liked him. Worst of all, they would not only beat him up for those reasons, but they would also try to kill him as well! While trying to do either of those things, they would also call him all sorts of horrible names. The one that was most commonly used on him was "Freak", something that got to him the most. There would be nights where he would lay down in an alleyway and cry himself to sleep with all those injuries and bruises, only to wake up screaming from a nightmare. This was how he lived until one special person changed his life...

    One day, Miles was once again hiding from the bullies in an alleyway. Whether it was by chance or by plain out back luck, they found him regardless and the beatings began. The alleyway was filled with jeers and laughs from those horrid foxes and Miles's cries of begging them to stop to no success. They even pulled and yanked on his tails! That hurt him a lot. Then, the leader took out a knife and advanced towards a barely-moving Miles, who was now too weak to do anything, mostly from malnourishment and sleep deprivation. All he could do was turn away, close his eyes, and brace himself for that death strike- which didn't get at him.

    Just as the leader plunged the knife at Miles, it was suddenly stopped by a hand. And not just any other hand, either. Standing in front of him was a 9 year-old blue-colored hedgehog. A brown banana was tied around his neck, and his red and white running shoes had what looked like sports tape on them. He was none other than Sonic the Hedgehog, a well known hero who could run at the speed of light and, along with his team, had faced the villainous Dr. Eggman and won multiple times. Now here he was, glaring at the lead bully and standing between him and his target, his light green eyes looking like they would shoot out lasers if he were a robot. "Hasn't your mother told you about not harassing kids like this?" he said.

    "You're seriously defending this freak?" the leader scoffed. "He's a nobody! He's nothing like us! He deserves to die!"

    Sonic glared back at him. "On the contrary, he's about 10x better than you three and everyone else in this village combined," he said. "Now you better get out of here now and leave him alone, or you'll learn the hard way why they call me the fastest thing alive."

    He meant it to. Too bad the bullies didn't know that. When one of them was about to get Miles by trying to sneak around behind him, Sonic quickly plowed right into him, taking him down. The other two bullies also suffered the same fate; they were obviously no match against this blue speedster. With that in mind, they ran out of the alley. Sonic waited until he could no longer hear their footsteps before turning to check on Miles, who was curled up against the wall with his tails wrapped around him. His brown goggles, which were always perched on his forehead, had cracked red lenses from those punches while his belt straps were pretty torn up. The shoulder strap held on, but the waist strap was close to being torn up completely. "You okay?" he asked.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now