Chapter 5

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    It was a peaceful night on Bygone Island. Sonic was getting some well-earned sleep after fighting Eggman alongside his team, including Tails. It's been the fox's first ever fight against Eggman, and thanks to some training he got from Sonic, Tails had proven to be just as physically capable of fighting the villain as well as he was with brainpower, especially after inventing a small electromagnetic pulse that not only shut down all those robots, but ended up breaking them as well. That right there was a nice addition to a great day. Sonic knew at that point that he made the right choice in taking in Tails.

    As he lay there snoozing away, something in his gut made him wake up. He wasn't sick, it was something else entirely. It was like something inside him was telling him to go check on his little brother. He did seem to look a little frightened earlier before the fight. After all, he was nearly killed by several of those once. Maybe they ended up bringing back some unwanted memories in the fox. Best to go over to his place and check on him, he thought. Maybe he's suffering from a nightmare or something.

    Making his decision, he got out of bed and into his shoes, which were nearby. He was just tying on his bandana when a loud scream reached his ears. It was a miracle that no one else had woken up. Now Sonic was happy that he made the right choice. Hold on there, little bro, he thought. I'll be right there.

    With that, he went out the door and raced off into the night, the only light there being a bright blue blurr racing through the darkness across the island. In no time flat, he approached Tails's house. Opening the door, he went inside and looked around until his eyes landed on Tails's bedroom door, the screams coming from inside. Running towards it, Sonic opened the door, only to be meet with a heartbreaking sight- there was Tails, all tangled up in his blankets and turning and tossing on his airplane-themed bed, screams coming out of him. His worry no doubt spiking through the roof, Sonic shut the door and quietly approached the bed, climbing up onto it, and gently took Tails by the shoulders and shook him. Not too hard though; he didn't want to startle him. "Tails! Tails, wake up! It's only a nightmare!" he said.

   A moment later, Tails woke up with a gasping scream, shooting upwards in bed. Panting and covered in sweat, he glanced around at his surroundings and was relieved to see that he was in his room. When his eyes landed on Sonic, he struggled to wipe away his tears, but Sonic gently grabbed his hands, taking them into his own. "There's nothing wrong with crying, little buddy," he said. "I don't mind at all."

    "How- How'd you get here?" asked Tails. "No one else is awake."

    "Something in my gut told me I ought to go check up on you," Sonic explained. "A brotherly instinct, as it were. Good thing I listened and did that."

   Tails looked down, shamed that he was bothering his brother this late at night. When he mentioned it, Sonic just smiled and, cupping a finger and thumb under his chin, gently tilted his head upward until blue eyes shining like polished gemstones from tears were looking up at him. "You don't have to be sorry Tails," he said. "I'm glad to help you, no matter how late it is at night."

    Tails's bottom lip seemed to quiver as another sob tried to get out. Sonic just opened his arms wide, inviting him in. "Come here," he said, gesturing with his fingers.

    At that, the little fox practically barreled into his big brother, tackling him to the floor as he wrapped his little arms around him. Luckily, Sonic managed to not land on his tail (it was very uncomfortable whenever it happened) and gladly returned the embrace. Whatever Tails had been through must've have been pretty serious if he ended up reacting like this. "What happened in here, Tails?" he asked. "Can you tell me?"

    Tails shuddered, tears managing to squeeze out his closed eyes. "I was abandoned in the midst of robots," he managed to say, his voice thick with sadness. "I tried calling for help, but no one came to help me. Not even you came along. Those metal monsters ended up overpowering me and killing me."

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now