Chapter 39

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    Happy late Valentine's Day, everyone.

    Sonic was at home one night, watching some TV with a happy expression on his face. After what felt like years, he and Amy were finally together as a couple. What made it better was that Amy had really matured a lot over the years, especially after the Metarex War. While they finally admitted their feelings to one another, they agreed to take things slow. All in all, this made them both happy: Amy because her dreams finally came true, and Sonic because he had another love in his life aside from the platonic kind. Amy made up the romantic side of his heart, and Tails made up the platonic side.

    Speaking of which, there was a knock at the door. When Sonic answered it, there was said fox with a few kiss marks on his face along with a big, dopey smile- and a wobbly (a little bit though) stature. Sonic chuckled. "Well, well, well. I see my little bro's been busy," he said teasingly.

    Tails just stuck his tounge out at him in a good-natured way as he came in. Sonic laughed and guided Tails to the couch, sitting next to him. The little fox sighed happily as he leaned into Sonic's side. "It's finally happened," he said. "After all this time, I finally have a girlfriend."

    Sonic put two and two together. "Been hanging out with Cosmo, haven't you?" he said.

    Tails nodded, a happy tear coming out his eye. Sonic caught with a swift finger, wiping it away. "She's so special," said Tails. "And beautiful to. I decided to ask her out on a date and she accepted. We had a great time."

    He then looked up at Sonic, his blue eyes shining. "What about you and Amy?" he asked. "I'm glad that you're both together."

    "Same here," said Sonic in reply. "And we're doing okay. She just needed some growth and maturity. And I'm also glad for you and Cosmo. You've really grown a lot."

    "Really?" asked Tails.

    Sonic nodded. "Sure did," he said. "You've turned from a little scared fox cub into the best little brother and sidekick in the world. You're a hero in your own right."

    Tails smiled. "Thanks, Sonic," he said, leaning forward to hug him.

    Sonic returned the embrace, laying his head against Tails' and nuzzling him. "Anytime, little bro," he said.

    They stayed like that for sometime as the TV played. Tails leaning against Sonic and purring against him happily while said hedgehog nuzzled him in return, purring as well. His muzzle rubbed against Tails' head affectionately. After a while, Tails yawned cutely, catching Sonic's attention. "You sleepy?" he asked.

    Tails nodded before yawning again. Smiling, Sonic stood and picked up Tails with him, cradling him close in his arms. "Come on, Tails," he said. "I'll get you to your room."

    Heading to Tails' room, Sonic smiled as Tails purred into him. He laid Tails down in bed upon arrival and tucked him in. "Comfy?" he asked.

    Tails nodded, yawning again. Sonic smiled and, leaning down, kissed his forehead. "I love you, little bro," he said.

    "I love you too, big bro," Tails replied.

    "I'll see you in the morning," said Sonic as he left.

    Tails smiled as he fell asleep, dreaming sweet dreams of the future he and Cosmo would have together.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now