Chapter 25

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    This takes place after episode 99 of Sonic Boom. I would like to thank Y3erMo0tHer1sAl1ive for the request.

    After the whole beebot thing in Bygone Village, Sonic was happy that Tails was back to normal thanks to help from Eggman; sometimes, even the villainous doctor had standards from time to time. Tails was happy about it too, even if the result was knocking him out to turn him back to normal. But there was something that Tails had said that stuck in Sonic's head: "Now I'll no longer have to rely on the clutch of science to make me interesting." That had Sonic confused. What was he talking about? He decided to find out later.
    That night, Tails was at his desk in his workshop drawing up some much-needed update ideas for some of his previous inventions. But he wasn't really focused on it. His mind kept on wandering back to the beebot incident. That, and of a very bad dream he had prior. Basically, it was of him fully corrupted in his merged beebot form and him and the other beebots blasting at Sonic. It ended up explaining the tear streaks on his face and his red eyes. So he figured that spending some time in his workshop would do him some good. Well, that's what he thought at first. He could never really seem to focus on what he was doing currently, no matter how hard he tried.

    Just then, a shadow loomed over him, but Tails didn't bother to look. He knew who it was from a mile away, but he didn't want him to see him like this. "Tails, I know you don't want to talk about it, but I need to know," said a voice that sounded all to familiar. "What did you mean by that comment you said earlier?"

    Tails froze at the voice. How did he know? "I overheard your comment earlier today," the person said as if he read Tails's mind. "It got me curious. Do you always think you're interesting if you have something you're really good at?"

    Tails nodded, feeling ashamed. "I thought that being good at something would make me a lot more fun to be around even if some don't understand it," he said as he got up and headed to the window. "But knowing mechanics at a young age used to make me a bully victim back then. So when I did that whole teleporting thing today, I thought that by doing so, it would make me more interesting. But we know how that turned out."

    A lump formed in his throat and his lips quivered as sadness came over him. He felt his body shake as he tried to suppress his cries. "I... I got corrupted," he said. "And... And I was close to being on the bad side." He stayed silent. Though he wanted to say more, he couldn't; those next words died on his tongue.

    The person send to know what Tails was talking about, though. Tails didn't notice that he was next to him until he felt a pair of arms come around him. He froze at the contact and looked down, gasping as he saw a pair of colbat blue arms around his midsection. Now he fully knew who that person was: Sonic. "I know how you feel, bro," said the hero. "I was sad to, because I thought I'd lose my best friend and little brother forever. It was a good thing that didn't happen."

    Tails just hung his head down, a whimper escaping him as he closed his eyes, trying to fight back any tears that might escape. Sonic turned him around and hugged him close, his arms full of golden fur as he pressed a kiss to his temple. That ended up being what finally opened the floodgates for Tails, as he began crying from the incident. It was mostly muffled since his face was buried into Sonic's chest, but they still came out. Sonic felt as Tails's arms came around him and his tears soaked through his bandana into his chest. He didn't mind that in the slightest. He just smiled and whispered comforting words into a flattened ear as he continued to embrace him.

    After Tails had eventually calmed down, Sonic nudged him, catching his attention. Looking up, blue and green met each other. As the older gently stroked Tails's face, running his fingers through his fur, he thought carefully about what to say, not wanting to say the wrong thing. "Tails," he said, "there's nothing wrong with you doing what you do. But you don't always have to rely on science to make you interesting, because you're already interesting just the way you are."

    "Y- You mean... you're fine with me being me?" Tails asked.

    Sonic nodded. "Of course I'm fine with that," he said. "Besides, you've already done a lot of great stuff. And no matter how much we don't understand anything you do, we love hanging out with you. Because we love you. I love you. And that's something that'll never change, no matter how many years come by. You're interesting just ther way you are. Don't ever change that."

    Tails smiled sadly, another tear escaping. Sonic kissed it away before he then kissed Tails on the lips, gently capturing them. Tails melted into it, his arms wrapping around the hedgehog's neck. He felt himself being softly pressed against the wall as Sonic pressed deeper into the kiss, backing him up against it. Breathing through their noses and keeping their arms around each other (Sonic has his arms around Tails's back), they stayed in the kiss for a long time before finally separating, their muzzles red from blushing and their eyes sparkling with happiness.

    Tails smiled as he knew that Sonic still thought of him as interesting, but then frowned as that stupid nightmare came back at him. Sonic noticed the change in expression. "What's wrong?" he asked.

    Tails sighed, rubbing his arm. "I... I had a nightmare about those stupid beebots and me fussing into one of them," he said. "And in that dream, I ended up blasting at you. It was scary. So... can you... you...?" his voice trailed off as the tears came back.

    Sonic knew what he was talking about, though. He pulled him back into a hug as Tails began crying again, feeling his chest get wet from his tears. Knowing that he probably won't be walking for a bit, he scooped him off the floor in a bridal-style carry. "You want me to stay with you?" he asked.

    Tails nodded, his throat puffy from all that crying. With that, Sonic stood up, picking up Tails with him, and carried him to the house, shutting off the light to the workshop as he exited. Tails cuddled closer to his comfort source, whimpering as he pressed his face into Sonic's chest. His nose was buried into Sonic's fur, twitching as it picked up the scent of home, comfort, and the outdoors, also mixed in with a faint smell of chilidogs. Arriving inside, Sonic headed to Tails's room and climbed into bed, feeling as Tails curled up into a fluffy ball in his arms as he tucked them in. The little fox sniffed as he smiled up at Sonic. "Thank you so much Sonic," he said. "I love you."

    Sonic smiled and shared a kiss with him before hugging him close. "You're welcome, baby brother," he said. "And I love you too."

    As sleep claimed them, Tails sighed in content and happiness, not only knowing that Sonic's presence nearby will always keep away the bad dreams, but knowing that, at the end of the day, he was fine the way he was.

    Well, Y3erMo0tHer1sAl1ive, I hope you like it. I know the endings a little rushed, but in my defense, I got another story t.p deal with, and it's deadline is coming up fast. I hope to get it done by then. Until that happens, your other requests might have to wait (I've decided to do them, but it might take some time). I hope you understand.

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