Chapter 21

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    Now Christmas was coming up fast, and everyone was looking forward to it. But no one was more excited about it than Tails, who loved spending time with his friends, specifically his team. In fact, it was thanks to their help that he was able to get his place decorated in time for the holidays. It really looked pretty festive. And he was thinking of something great to give to his friends after all they've done for him...

    One day, Tails was in his workshop, drawing up some ideas while humming a carol under his breath. He was already done with getting his friends back at Mobius a nice gift. He didn't know that someone had come up behind him until a pair of hands covered his eyes. "Guess who?" said a voice.

    Tails chuckled. "I think I know who it is," he said.

    Sonic, who was wearing a grey winter coat, chuckled back. "You betcha," he said as he removed his hands and hugged Tails from behind after unzipping his coat.

    Tails giggled at the contact, his back against Sonic's chest always a nice feeling to him. A purr came out of him as Sonic scratched Tails behind the ears. "You're really cute whenever you do that, you know?" the hedgehog chuckled.

    Tails blushed. "Well, I can't help it," he said. "You're always the one that causes that to happen."

    Sonic chuckled. "Well, that's mostly because you're just that adorable," he said, nuzzling his face.

    Tails laughed as he nuzzled back; out of all his friends, he loved hanging out with his big brother the most. "So want to go play outside in the snow?" Sonic asked as they separated.

    Tails looked behind him to see a nice, fresh blanket of snow laying on the ground. "Huh, didn't know it could snow on an island like Bygone," he said.

    "Same here," Sonic replied. "But I guess it happened regardless."

    Laughing a bit, Tails got up and headed out with Sonic. But as they were just under the doorway, Sonic grabbed Tails's hand, causing the fox to stop at the touch. Looking behind him, he saw Sonic looking up at something, a cheeky smile on his face. "What is it?" he asked.

    Sonic just pointed upwards. When Tails followed his gaze, his face paled. There, handing in the doorway, was a bit of mistletoe. "Uh, what's that had to do with anything?" he asked, nervously backed away.

    Sonic just grinned a bit evily as he kept in pace with him. "Simple," he said. "If you're under a mistletoe with someone, that means you'll have to kiss that someone."

    At that, Sonic proceeded to pounce at him. With a yelp, Tails jumped out of the way, leaving Sonic to face-plant himself in the snow, giving the fox the chance to run into his house and hide behind his couch. Panting, he eventually peeked from his hiding place to see that no one was in the living room. On his guard, Tails was about to sneak out when a creaking sound was heard, causing him to jump back into his hiding place with a gasp. In fact, he was so paranoid about being found that he didn't notice that Sonic had already done so.

    Of course, Tails didn't know this until he felt himself suddenly getting tackled from behind. He yelped as he collided with the floor, turning around on his back to see Sonic looming over him with a smirk on his face. "No fair," Tails grumbled, sticking his tongue out at him.

    "Too bad," Sonic chuckled. "Now I can kiss ya."

    Pulling out and holding a bit of mistletoe from behind him, Sonic held it over them as he helped Tails sit up, the fox dusting himself off. Wrapping an arm around his brother to keep him upright, Sonic leaned forward and gently captured Tails's lips with his own, kissing him. Tails kissed back, his arms wrapping around Sonic's neck and his tails swishing behind him. After a while, they separated, Tails giggling. Sonic chuckled in return and ruffled his hair, causing the fox to laugh and hug him, the hedgehog hugging back. "So," Sonic said after a long while, "you still want to go and play outside?"

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now