Chapter 34

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    This one's a short one since I got it published late. Hope you enjoy, anyway.

    Soon, Halloween was here. The team was excited for this time of year. Hopefully, Eggman wouldn't ruin things with his robots again. That's what everyone was hoping for, anyway. As Tails was getting his ghost costume ready (it was the only one he had), he was brimming with happiness. This was Cosmo's first Halloween, and he (along with the rest of the team) wanted this to be fun for her. At least Zooey would also be there to help out with it.

    As Tails got his ghost costume on, he was wondering what Cosmo would be dressing up as. Maybe a flower or a princess or whatever girls dress up as; she didn't say when he asked her earlier. Probably left it as a surprise. Guess I'll find out when I see her, he thought. Either way, I know she'll be beautiful; she always is.

    When he headed out of his room, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed him by the waist and hoisted the little fox into the air. Tails almost squeaked with surprise as he felt himself leave the ground. Said person responsible laughed. "Gotcha," it said. "Right time of year, to."

    Tails was embarrassed. "Really, Sonic?" he asked, still in the hedgehog's arms. "You just had to do that?"

    Sonic laughed. "Really," he replied as he moved to cradle him. "It's my job as an older brother. Just be lucky that it didn't happen in front of the team. Especially your girlfriend. We'd never let you hear the end of it, otherwise."

    Tails' face flamed red with further embarrassment at the last part. "Oh brother," he muttered, hiding his face with his tails.

    Sonic smiled. "It's okay, buddy," he said. "Lucky it didn't happen outdoors."

    Tails just stuck his tounge out at him from underneath his ghost mask. "I hate you," he muttered jokingly.

    Sonic snorted, having heard it anyway. "Yeah, yeah. Keep tellin' yourself that," he said. "I love you, too."

    Tails smiled anyway as a response while they hugged each other, regardless of how embarrassed he was. No matter how much Sonic teased him, there was no doubt that, at the end of the day, they still loved each other.

    Again, sorry that this is late.

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