Chapter 13

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Tails was in his workshop one day working on his inventions, but he wasn't cheerful. This week had really taken a toll on him, what with Eggman continually attacking Hedgehog Village and everyone in the village putting a lot of pressure on him. These things were really stressing him out for a good reason. All he wanted to do was take a break and relax, but he knew that probably wasn't going to happen. His eyes had lost their sparkle, and his appearance was all ragged and dirty. He still ate at certain points, but it wasn't much. He was so tired that all he wanted to do was sleep, but he just couldn't. With a tired sigh, he put down his wrench and rubbed his eyes. I wish Sonic were here, he thought. I could really use his help right now.

As if someone from above heard his wish, Sonic arrived, having come to check on his little brother. He'd been noticing that Tails hadn't been himself in a while. Arriving at the entrance, he looked around and saw him slumped in his work bench, his twin namesakes flat on the ground. Sympathy swelled in his heart as he took in the site of Tails all tired and dirty. Knowing what to do, he headed over to him and placed careful hands on his shoulders, rubbing them gently to get rid of any aching stiffness in them. "Hey buddy," he whispered. "You okay?"

Tails went slack at the comforting contact, losing all strength and falling backwards into Sonic's chest with a sad sigh. "No," he said. "This week's just been really stressful on me. Eggman's continuous attacks along with the whole village putting pressure on me has really taken a bad toll. I don't eat much, and I haven't gotten any sleep because I've wanted to please everyone."

Sonic nodded, understanding as his face grew serious. "Maybe it's time for you to take a break," he said. "You're not looking real good there."

"That's what I want to do Sonic," Tails replied, his voice getting thick with sadness. "But with all that's happened, I can't. I just can't."

His emotions getting the better of him and knowing that Sonic was right, Tails turned around and pressed his face into Sonic's neck, everything catching up to him. "Please help me," he whimpered before he started to cry.

Sonic smiled sadly, grieved at his little fox suffering like this. Shushing softly, he climbed next to Tails on the work bench, gently wrapped his hands around Tails's middle, and pulled him into his lap, wrapping his arms around him. He held him close, rubbing his back and scratching behind his ears. He cooed and sang gently, working to make Tails relaxed. After a little while, Tails started to calm down, something Sonic took notice of. "You want to stay at my place until you're full of energy again?" he asked in a hushed voice.

Tails nodded, too tired to respond verbally. Sonic smiled lovingly, knowing that whenever Tails was like this, he didn't ever want to be left alone. He adjusted his hold on Tails, moving him sideways and moving his arms under his knees and around his shoulders. After making sure that Tails's head was pillowed comfortably in the crook of his neck and shoulder, he stood up, picking up his baby kit and cradling him close. He tightened his hold on him as he went out of the workshop and raced all the way to his own home. Arriving there a couple minutes later, he headed inside, Tails stirring sleepily in his grasp. "You'll be okay, lil' bro," Sonic said gently as he placed him down on the couch. "It'll be okay."

After slipping off his little brother's footwear and gloves so he'd be more comfortable, he hurried off to the kitchen while Tails pretty much curled up on the couch. It wasn't until several minutes later that Tails's nose twitched at a lovely scent coming from the kitchen. Sonic noticed as he came in with some soup, chuckling at the sight. Especially when a loud growl sounded out. "Never really ate much all week, huh?" he commented.

Tails blushed a deep red, hiding his face in his tails. Sonic gently pushed down the fluffy protection, seeing Tails's embarrassed expression. "Don't worry, buddy. I'm not mad," he said, ruffling his bangs a little. "Now let's get this soup into that empty stomach of yours."

Tails agreed, struggling but managing to sit up on the couch. Because of the weakened, sleepy state he was in, Sonic had to feed him himself. Not like he minded; he did it before, but it was in a completely different situation the last time Tails was sleep deprived. But all the same, he didn't mind a bit if it meant helping his little baby fox. After it was all gone, Tails sighed with satisfaction. "Feel any better?" Sonic asked.

Tails nodded, patting his now-full stomach. A yawn came out, signifying that sleep was catching up to him fast. "I'm tired," he murmured. "Wanna sleep."

Sonic chucked. "Not yet, my cute, little baby fox," he said softly. "We gotta get you cleaned up first. You'll feel better afterwards, okay?"

Tails frowned but nodded, knowing that arguing with him wouldn't work. Smiling at the answer, Sonic raced to the restroom and turned on the water in the tub, fiddling with the temperature until it was just right. Then, heading back into the living room, he picked up a curled-up Tails and upon heading back in, got his goggles and belt off, placed him in the tub, and added in a bubble mix. Tails sighed happily at the warmth seeping through him, serving to make him all the more sleepy. Sonic couldn't help but laugh softly. "Look's like somebody's really sleepy," he said as he lathered some soap onto his hands (he'd taken off his gloves beforehand) and began scrubbing him.

Tails didn't reply, not like he could with a face-full of soap. He did manage to send a playful but sleepy glare at his direction, however- without getting any soap in his eyes, of course. Sonic just continued laughing as he dumped a couple cup-fulls of water on him, getting all the dirty stuff off him. Afterwards, he rinsed him off with the showerhead while waiting for the tub to drain. Then, after getting him out, he dried him off with a towel, rubbing him all over until he looked like a very sleepy puffball. Sonic smiled as he picked up Tails and cuddled him close as he went back to the living room, fetching a spare pillow and blanket from the closet on the way. Upon arrival, he placed his little baby on the couch and slipped the pillow under his head, after which he draped the blanket over Tails, tucking him in. At that, Tails yawned cutely and snuggled into that comfy feeling, tiredness crashing down on him in full force. Sonic rubbed his head affectionately. "You can get some sleep now, my precious, fluffy baby vulpine," he said. "I'm not going anywhere."

Tails smiled before letting his eyes close as he began sleeping for the first time in a week. Sonic smiled and kissed him on the forehead before leaving the room so that his little bro could get some much-deserved sleep.

Later, at night, Sonic was just getting into his hammock for the night when he heard whimpering. Concerned, he jumped off his hammock and headed into the living room. Heading to the couch, there was Tails, moving a little and whimpering in his sleep, tears evident on his face. Almost heartbroken, Sonic reached out and wrapped his arms around his little fox, pulling him close until his face was nestled into his chest. "Shhhhh, shhhhh, shhhhh," he shushed gently. "It's okay, my smart baby kit. I'm here. I gotcha."

As if he somehow heard those words, Tails seemed to calm down, his breathing becoming slower and calmer. In his sleep, his hand reached out from under the blanket and touched Sonic's shoulder, as if feeling a new presence next to him. Recognizing it, he smiled sadly and nuzzled himself close to it. "Please stay," he whispered. "I don't want to be alone."

Sonic immediately guessed that Tails was having another nightmare. He continued to gently shush him as he picked him up, still wrapped up in his blanket, and carried him back to the hammock. He climbed back into it and set Tails down in his lap, holding him close. "You'll never be alone, my sweet baby fox," he whispered gently as he cradled his blanket-bundled, baby brother close to him and kissed him on his cute, little nose. "I'll always be here with you."

Tails smiled as if he heard it while awake. He snuggled closer to this comforting presence, purring contentedly. Sonic smiled as he laid down with Tails in his arms and unwound the blanket from him so he could drape it over the both of them. Purring on him in a happy way and cuddling close, Tails moved upward a little so he could plant a soft, brotherly kiss onto Sonic's lips. Sonic kindly returned the gesture, his arms around him as their lips gently pressed against one another. Upon separating, they snuggled close to each other, Sonic's chin on Tails's head and Tails's head nestled against Sonic's neck, their heartbeats next to each other. "I love you Sonic," Tails whispered. "Thank you." That was the last thing he said before finally becoming still with sleep.

Sonic smiled and planted a kiss onto his forehead. "You're welcome. And I love you to, my sweet Tails," he whispered in return. "My cuddly, sweet baby."

Still purring against each other, they became still with slumber, Tails finally getting some much-deserved rest after all well and Sonic making sure he got all the sleep he needed.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now