Chapter 47

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    In honor of our favorite blue hedgehog's birthday.

    Sonic was happily lying on his hammock on a bright, warm summer day. A cool breeze blew through the island and into his shack, causing a smile to cross his face. As he relaxed in the beauty of the weather, Tails snuck in with something in his hand and a smile of his own on his face. Giggling softly, he tiptoed over to Sonic's hammock and, standing on his toes, nibbled his cheek gently. This caused Sonic to chuckle, encouraging Tails to push further. He jumped softly onto the hammock and peppered Sonic's face with kisses. This resulted in Sonic suddenly jumping off his hammock onto Tails, effectively pouncing on him.

    Tails squealed in surprise as he felt Sonic's weight on him. "Gotcha," Sonic said with a smirk. "Thought you were gonna get me, weren't you?"

    A raspberry blown at him from Tails was the only reply Sonic got. Regardless, Sonic laughed. "Now that I've got you," he said, "it's payback time."

    "What're you gonna do? Smooch me to death?" Tails asked in a challenging tone.

    That was a mistake, because a playful but evil chuckle came out Sonic's mouth. "Even worse than that," he said, leaning towards Tails so that their faces almost touched.

    Before Tails knew what was about to happen, Sonic used one hand to pin down Tails' hands by the wrists and straddled him so that the fox wouldn't move or try to escape. Then, with his other hand, he reached down and ran his finger across his cheekbone with a featherweight touch, causing Tails to giggle despite his attempted resistance. "Was that a giggle I heard?" Sonic teased.

    Tails turned as red as a tomato from embarrassment. Sonic smirked even more as he continued with his tickle torture, this time moving his hand to wiggle his fingers under Tails' chin and scribble them across his ribs and stomach. All this caused Tails to giggle more before finally bursting into laughter. He thrashed around while laughing, trying to get free, but Sonic's weight wasn't letting him escape. To add to it, Sonic proceeded to lean down one more and pepper his brother's face with kisses and smooches, and even blew raspberries on his stomach and cheeks. Tails laughed and laughed, and the tickle torture continued until tears came to his eyes and pink started to appear.

    Seeing this, Sonic finally ceased his tickling and released him, allowing Tails to catch his breath. Panting, Tails playfully glared up at his older brother as he curled up into a fluffy ball just in case he was going to pull that stunt again. "You really... had to do that?" he said.

    "Yep," Sonic replied as he picked up Tails and hugged him close, cooing inwardly at the ball his little brother turned himself into. "Older brother privileges."

    Tails rolled his eyes, but cuddled into Sonic's hug anyway, giggling as Sonic nipped at his ears lovingly. "You're so cute whether you laugh or giggle," he said as he nuzzled him close, his cheek rubbing against Tails' forehead. "Has anyone told you that?"

    "Aside from you, not really," Tails admitted embarrassingly. "And I'd rather keep it that way. Otherwise, everyone else will never let me hear the end of it."

    Sonic laughed at this, but respected Tails' comment anyway. Then, he caught sight of something in Tails' hand. Realizing what he was looking at, Tails smiled and handed it over, revealing it to be a card. Curious, Sonic accepted the card and opened it. And what he saw touched him deeply. In the card was a drawn picture that Tails did himself. It was of them and the rest of the team; even Team Shadow, Blaze, Silver, Zooey, and Cosmo were included in it. Same with the duo's classic counterparts. They were all standing in a grassy field under the sun, having a fantastic time. Above the picture was a heartfelt message:

You're an amazing brother, Sonic. You've gained a lot over the years. So... Happy Birthday, big brother. Thank you so much for changing not only my life, but the lives of everyone else for the better. You're inspiring and impactful in so many ways.

Your little brother,
Miles "Tails" Prower

    A proud smile spread across Sonic's face as he turned to look at Tails. Happily, he squeezed him lovingly, giving him an affectionate lick to his forehead. "Thanks, little bro," he said.

    Tails smiled back and returned the lick, this one getting his cheek. "Happy Birthday, Sonic," he said. "And you're welcome."

    Happily, the two would later head to a birthday party Tails had organized with the rest of the team. And later that night, they would sleep together on Sonic's hammock, hugging each other in their sleep.

    Happy Birthday, Sonic!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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