Chapter 35

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    Tails was exploring the forest one day, taking in the sight around him. This was a part of the forest that he'd never been in before, so he was pretty interested in checking it out. Taking a beak from his invention work was important; one of the reasons being that it was always nice to get some sunshine soaked into his skin every now and then. However, he didn't know that this was a part of the forest that he wasn't supposed to go into. Why? Because this part of the forest was where Eggman's robots were often put for capture purposes. But Tails didn't realize this yet... until today.

    While walking down the path and enjoying the smells and sight of the outside, a strange noise caught Tails off guard, startling him. Looking around warily, he continued on more carefully, his ears standing straight up. His eyes darted around, looking for the source of the noise. He didn't find it at first, but as he was about to go on, the sound came again. This time, Tails glanced over at some bushes, which were moving, indicating that the sound was coming from there. Now nervous, Tails began moving towards the bushes to see what it was. But as soon as he got close, he was suddenly whacked pretty hard and collided into a tree.

    Getting his bearings back, Tails saw who it was: Metal Sonic, who now emerged from the bushes and began advancing towards him. That made Tails really nervous; Sonic had once told him about his metal doppelganger and how dangerous he was, but this was the first time Tails saw how right Sonic was. This version of Sonic was scary- probably scarier than any of Eggman's robots.

    Preparing to strike at Tails again, Metal Sonic delivered it, only for Tails to quickly dodge it and swing at him in return, wrench in hand. The robot dodged the move and lunged at Tails, this time getting him across the face, metal claws making a mark on him. "AUGH!" Tails yelled, feeling the harsh sting and tumbling to the ground.

    Shaking his head to elevate his dizziness, Tails looked up in time to dodge another attack coming. Getting ready himself, he threw a punch at Metal Sonic, only for the robot to easily catch it with one hand. Then, it grabbed Tails' throat and squeezed it, choking him as it lifted him into the air. "Capturing fox now," it said.

    Tails choked and gasped, feeling his air supply being cut off. His legs kicked helplessly in the air as he clawed at the hands, desperately trying to get them off. It was no use; Metal Sonic was far too strong for him. He began to get more and more lightheaded as his lungs tightened from lack of air. He got more and more weak as his movement lessened. His tails went limp.

    Suddenly, Metal Sonic got shoved aside by someone, forcing it to let go of Tails, who fell down to the ground gasping and coughing. Weakly looking up, he could see a familiar blue blob before he fell limp, the last thing he felt being picked up by someone else before falling unconscious.
    When Tails finally woke up, he found himself in the hospital, laying in bed with a breathing mask strapped to his face, which was bandaged. Looking around as his vision cleared up, he happened to glance over to the side, where he saw a green head with flower buds laying close to him, resting on green arms. Realizing it to be Cosmo, Tails managed a smile and, reaching out, stroked her head lovingly. This caused Cosmo to stir, yawning as her eyes opened (she'd been sleeping for a while). When she saw Tails, a smile graced her face. "Hey, Tails," she said. "Welcome back. I'm glad you're okay."

    Tails was about to ask her something, only to break out into a coughing fit. Taking a nearby glass of water (it was resting on the stand next to him), Cosmo carefully removed the breathing mask and helped him sit up a little so that she could help him drink the soothing liquid. "Careful, Tails," she said gently. "The doctor said that you shouldn't talk for a while. Your throat was injured pretty bad."

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