Chapter 40

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    Tails was enjoying a TV history show one night after working on his inventions. Just recently, he had gotten into history documentaries and was awestruck at how much he was learning from them. Currently, he was watching American history when his eyes were covered by a hand. A chuckle sounded out as Sonic revealed himself. "Gotcha," he said.

    Tails giggled happily at the contact. "Sonic," he said teasingly.

    Sonic just laughed as he plopped down next to him, holding a bowl of popcorn in one arm. "Watcha watching there?" he asked as he placed the bowl on the table in front of them.

    "A history documentary," Tails answered. "I've been getting into them since a few days ago. It's pretty amazing at how much history there is."

    Sonic had to agree, mostly because of the awed look on Tails' adorable face. Then, he saw something else that made Sonic smile. "Aww, that's cute," he said.

    "What's cute?" asked Tails.

    "That sweatshirt you're wearing," Sonic replied.

    That was when Tails noticed. Sure enough, he was indeed wearing a Sonic-themed sweatshirt. Blushing, the little fox hid his face behind his tails, his hood falling on his head. That just made Sonic chuckle endearingly as he pulled Tails into his lap. "I'm not making fun of you," he said as he cuddled him close. "I'm just saying how cute you are."

    This earned him a fluffy tail thwap to the back of the head by a giggling Tails. "Where'd you get it from, anyway?" asked Sonic.

    "Amy made it for me," answered Tails. "It was during one of those days where I got to spend time with her at her place."

    It was something that Amy came up with sometime ago so that Tails could have time to act like a normal kid. It was heartwarming, to say the least. "Well, that was real nice of her," said Sonic, trailing a ticklish finger on Tails' jawline.

    Tails giggled at the contact, his tails wagging happily. Seeing this, Sonic proceeded to softly tackle Tails on the couch, gently pinning him but not letting him escape as he them began tickling him. Tails laughed as he felt Sonic's fingers scribble on his stomach, chest, ribs, and armpits- practically anywhere ticklish. Sonic even took it a step further by blowing a raspberry onto Tails' stomach, making the little fox under him laugh even harder. It sounded so cute that Sonic couldn't help but smile at it.

    The tickle fest lasted a good while before Tails' face started to turn pink at the cheeks, tears appearing at the corners of his eyes. Seeing this, Sonic finally ceased his tickle attack and sat back, allowing Tails to catch his breath. An adorable smile was on the fox's face, and his baby-blue eyes were shining like stars. "You sneaky hedgehog," said Tails, playfully glaring at him.

    Sonic just chuckled as he reached out and picked up Tails, placed him back in his lap, and hugged him. "You still love me, bro," he said.

    "Couldn't deny it even if I wanted to," Tails agreed as he returned the embrace.

    Smiling, the two brothers cuddled each other as the TV played in the background. And Sonic made a mental note for tomorrow to ask Amy for a sweatshirt of his own- one that looked like Tails.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now