Chapter 9

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    For the past few weeks, Eggman's robots had been increasing their attacks on Bygone Village thanks to the mad doctor. And though Team Sonic had been able to repel them all, by the time they were finally done, they were all tuckered out. A good rest was all they needed after all those attacks, and they were soon feeling a lot more better afterwards. Well, not everyone got a good rest after what happened. Still feeling very paranoid about another attack coming and of not being fully prepared, Tails had been up all day and night 24/7, working and updating his inventions and the Tornado for the next few weeks. In fact, he was so busy with his stuff that he lost all track of time. He hadn't showered, eaten, or slept at all the whole time. As a result, his fur became mostly black and filthy, his eyes lost their sparkle and became red with dark bags hanging under them, and he became so skinny that his ribs were almost showing under his skin. At this point, it became clear that if someone didn't do something about it, something bad was clearly going to happen to the poor fox.

    One day, Sonic had gotten back from his morning run and was feeling a whole lot better and happy. He was currently resting in his hammock when his communicator buzzed. Wondering who it could be, he turned it on and heard Amy's voice on the other side. "Sonic, could you come over to Tails's place for us? We haven't heard from him in sometime; he hasn't responded to any of our calls."

    Hearing that something was wrong with his little brother got Sonic's full attention. "Seriously, Ames?" he asked, sitting up in alarm. "He hasn't been responding to you guys, like, at all?"

    "As far as we're concerned," Amy replied. "We visited him the other day, but he ended up snapping at us and telling us to go away. I don't think he's acting like himself at all, Sonic, and his current state really isn't good."

    "He looked like he'd just gotten out of the forest after several weeks," added Sticks. "And something worse is gonna happen to him if something isn't done to stop it."

    "And if anyone can help him besides us, it's you," Knuckles put in. "After all, he's more close to you than any of us. You're pretty much his favorite person to hang out with or to just be there for him when he needs it."

    That got Sonic concerned. If Tails wasn't acting like himself like Amy said, then this was serious. It might be even worse the last time here refused to get any rest. "Say no more, guys," he said, leaping out of his hammock. "I'm on my way."

    With that, he zipped out of his house and was soon on his way to Tails's house.
    In no time at all, Sonic arrived at his destination and instantly went to Tails's workshop. Looking inside, he let his eyes wander around the place until they landed on his younger brother. His tails were hanging limply over the edge of his workbench, almost touching the floor, and he looked like he was going to lay down, but jerked back up into a sitting position every few seconds. Concerned, Sonic quietly headed over to him until he was right behind him, not wanting to startle him. On his part, Tails was so busy trying and failing to stay awake so that he could tinker some more that he didn't know someone had come in until he felt two arms surrounding him from behind and pull him close until his back rested against a chest. Tails froze in fright at the touch. He recognized it in a heartbeat. "S... Sonic?" he whispered.

    He was proven right when he felt the side of Sonic's head press against his own. "Hi there, little buddy," he said. "Heard you weren't doing so well."

    Tails silently cursed; he wasn't supposed to find out. But Sonic definitely did; someone must've notified him about it. With a gentle squeeze, Sonic then let go and went around the workbench so that he could get a better look at him. Upon first glance, he knew that Sticks wasn't kidding when describing his ragged appearance. It almost made his heart want to shatter into a billion pieces. "How about we get you fed, cleaned, and rested up?" he said. "This isn't a good look for you."

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now