Chapter 15

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    This one and the next one are both for Halloween. Sorry in advance if I get them a little too scary for you guys. But you know Halloween; it's supposed to be spooky.

    Tails was in his workshop late one night getting it cleaned up after working on some tinkering to his inventions. He was looking forward to a good night's sleep when a howl got his attention. His ears perking up, he looked around, wondering where it came from. Getting a flashlight, he stepped outside and switched it on, looking around in the darkness. The sound led him deep into the woods, the howling getting louder and louder. Tails shuddered as fear crept up in him, but he tried to keep it hidden. He wasn't going to let a random howl scare him. Turning a corner, he suddenly froze. There, standing on a cliff in the moonlight, was a strange creature. It looked like a hedgehog, but it was a little bigger and bulkier than your average one. Plus, it howled like it was a werewolf. Tails gazed at the sight, not even moving. It was like his legs were just glued to that spot. He watched as the strange creature continued looking up at the sky, howling every now and then. But when he began quietly stepping forward a little closer so he could get a better look, a loud snap was heard. Looking down, he saw that he had stepped on a stick. Even worse, the creature heard him and was now looking in his direction.

    With a yelp, Tails turned around and ran as fast as he could, fearing that whatever this creature is, it might end up eating him. It was a good thing that foxes have pretty good night vision, otherwise, Tails probably would've injured his ankle. He tore through the underbrush, desperate to lose it, but the creature easily caught up to him. Tails could've swore that he felt its hot breath on his neck. To make matters worse, he was starting to get tired, feeling himself slowing down as he began running out of breath and energy. But he was desperate to get away. Unfortunately, he couldn't go any faster.

    Finally, he ended up reaching a dead end when he collided into a rock wall. Looking upwards, he saw that it was a cliff. It didn't have anything on the sides for him top grab onto, and he couldn't even fly up to the top because all that running had taken most of his energy. Turning around, he saw the creature as it slid to a stop in front of him. His eyes widening, he quickly reached into his belt and pulled out his wrench for defense. "Stay back! St- st- stay back!" he demanded. "I'm warning you!" It was obvious that he was scared for his life, but tried not to show it.

    Growling, the creature just came closer to Tails, its eyes shining with an eerily gleam. When Tails attempted to swing his wrench at it, it just grabbed it without any effort, yanked it out of his hand, and tossed it to the side like it was nothing. Now more scared than he'd ever been, Tails could only press himself against the rocky cliffside with wide, scared blue eyes, shivering in extreme terror as the creature came close to him. In case he tried another escape attempt, it placed its huge hands on either side of Tails, closing off any of it. Fearing his end was near, Tails just turned his head aside and closed his eyes with a whimper, preparing to possibly become its dinner. "Just... whatever you're going to do to me, m- make it quick," he managed to say, his voice weak as tears started to tail down his face.

    He could feel himself start to become weak as he felt his back slowly sliding down the cliffside, despite his failed attempts to keep himself upright. When the creature sniffed at him in curiosity, that did it. With a whimpered moan, Tails lost all his strength and went limp. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell sideways in a fainting fit right into the creature's hand. At the contact, he instantly went unconscious, losing all his awareness. The creature looked at the little fox in his hand before it picked him up and carried him away.
    Sometime later, Tails regained consciousness, waking up to find himself in a cave. A fire was in front of him, warming up the spot where he was. Sitting up, he glanced around until his eyes landed on the creature. With a scream, Tails scrambled to the cave wall and shivered in fear. With the fire's light, he now had a better look at the creature, who he now saw as some sort of a werehog. It's fur was a much darker blue, almost like indigo. It's bandana was looking a little shredded. It's chest and paws were a light grey, and it's red and white shoes had a different design with spikes on them. There wasn't even any sports tape on it; probably, it got ripped off. "Who are you? Where's Sonic?" Tails demanded, failing to not show how scared he was.

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