Chapter 45

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    shad0winth3wild requested this oneshot. Hope you enjoy.

    No one enjoys being kidnapped for whatever reason. Tails already had to go through that a couple times and absolutely hated it. Ever since the Metal Sonic incident, he'd been keeping a wary eye on his surroundings whenever he went outside. Last thing he needed was for the same thing to happen again, and he'd rather not have that. But despite this, kidnapping always found a way to somehow get at him.

    Today, that's exactly what happened. He was hanging out with Cosmo, the two lovebirds having a splendid time together. However, this wouldn't last. Tails' ears (which also had good hearing, though not as good as Sonic's) picked up something. Looking around in confusion, it wasn't until he saw something coming from the shadows that he realized. "Cosmo, watch out!" he yelled, shoving her out of the way.

    Everything went black.

    By the time Tails woke up, he was chained up to the wall, injured with a shock collar on him. Not again, he groaned inwardly. What am I doing here now?

    His question was answered when the door opened and Metal Sonic came in. "Eggman sent me to capture you," he said. "He wants you to help him make more robots and he wants your help in finding the Chaos Emeralds."

    "Fat chance," Tails spat. "I'd sooner die with the info than tell you."

    Metal Sonic didn't like that answer, because immediately, Tails was hissing in pain due to his face getting struck by the robot. "Don't make me tell you again," he said. "Pledge your loyalty to Eggman and help him find the Emeralds."

    Tails had only one thing to say: "Never."

    That got Metal Sonic even more ticked, because Tails later screamed as the shock collar turned on, sending electricity into his body. It hurt like heck. As if that weren't enough, Metal Sonic then started beating Tails up, injuring him greatly while throwing insult after insult at him. But Tails still wouldn't give in. Despite the pain, despite the insults, and despite the tears, he still didn't tell him. He couldn't. He wouldn't. Doing so would enable Eggman and his robot legions, Metal Sonic especially, to hurt countless lives around the globe, including his friends, his family, and most of all... his brother and his girlfriend. The fox couldn't... no, wouldn't... allow that. For him, dying with the info he had about the Emeralds' locations would be a much better choice. That way, they wouldn't be found, and even if they were found, it'd no doubt take longer.

    After practically beating Tails to a pulp, Metal Sonic still couldn't get an answer out of him. Angered at his failed attempt to have Tails join Eggman's side, the robot was about to just finish him off entirely (which Tails was fine with so long as the Emeralds were safe out of his and Eggman's grasps) when the base's alarm system sounded off.

    Tails smiled despite his injuries. Hearing the alarms could only mean one thing: his family was coming for him. Angered even more at this discovery, Metal Sonic stabbed the button on the shock collar, electrifying Tails even further. Tails screamed as the pain coursed through him. Then, Metal Sonic moved to kill him when a vine suddenly ripped his arm off (the one he was going to use to deliverer the fatal blow), causing him to yell painfully. Looking behind him, there was Cosmo, who had shot said vine at him. "Stay away from him," she said simply in a threatening tone.

    Metal Sonic attempted to attack her, furious that she'd ruined his shot, only for Knuckles to punch him into the wall, the spikes on his own namesakes denting him. Amy then whacked him with her hammer (still ticked about him abducting her years ago) while Sticks attempted to punch him with her fist. Unlike Knuckles though, her fist hurt. Fortunately, Sonic took that chance to ram into Metal Sonic before he could hurt the badger.

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