Chapter 11

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    Bad dreams were always something that someone has in one way or another, depending on their past. In the case of a certain two-tailed fox, they were awful. Mostly, his nightmares revolved around his past tormentors, his parents, his astrophobia, stuff like that. Last night was one of those nights. And let's just say that it was awful, to say the least. He tried not to think about it as he tinkered around in his workshop, fixing anything that was broken or just doing some upgrading on his plane. He was just getting done with it when a familiar blue blurr arrived and stopped at the entrance. "Hey Tails," said the visitor. "Wanna spend time with your big bro?"

    Tails looked up at the source of the voice and smiled at who it was. "Sonic!" he exclaimed, racing up to him.

    As soon as he got in close enough range, he jumped forward and glomped Sonic in a hug, nuzzling him in happiness. Sonic stumbled back a few steps at the sudden impact, but kept his footing as he returned the hug, spinning his little bro around in the air as an added bonus. The two laughed as they separated. "So you ready?" Sonic asked.

    Tails smiled. "Totally," he said. "C'mon, let's go." Hopefully, this'll help him forget about the nightmares.

    When they got outside, they got into their starting positions. "On my mark," said Sonic as he and Tails prepared themselves (Tails spinning his namesakes), "ready... steady... GO!!!"

    At that, they took off, leaving in a blur of orange and blue. They laughed as they raced through the forest, throwing friendly jabs at each other at some points. Tails was having so much fun with his older brother. His fur blew in the wind as he flew as fast as he could. The air was quite refreshing; it definitely beat sitting in a sometimes stuffy workshop all day. After a while of running, they soon arrived back at Tails's place (Sonic winning of course). "Almost had you there," Tails panted.

    "Yeah, you did," said Sonic proudly. "You're really improving. Someday, you might be even faster than me."

    "You really think so?" asked Tails.

    "I don't think so," answered Sonic. "I know so."

    Saying this, he approached his little brother and embraced him, nuzzling his face with his own. Tails returned both gestures, enjoying the loving feeling of his older brother as his two tails swished behind him in happiness. It wasn't often that Sonic would get this loving towards him, but every time it happened, Tails soaked it all in with no regret. After all, Sonic was the only one who believed in him. He was the one who took him under his wing when no one wanted or even needed him. He was the only one to not only not call him a freak, but also embraced the fact that he had two tails for flight. And he couldn't ask for a better brother than him.

    For the rest of the day, Sonic and Tails hung out with each other. They played tag and hide-and-seek, had random tickle fights, and even got the rest of the gang together for volleyball. It was such a fun day that Tails almost forgot all about his earlier nightmare. It wasn't until later that it came back in full force to haunt him.
    That night, Sonic was sleeping in his hammock (it's really a hammock; the last few chapter I've been calling it a bed for some reason) when his communicator buzzed, waking him up. Who could be calling me at this late of night? he thought as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

    Grabbing his communicator, he turned it on, wondering who it was. "Who is it?" he asked, yawning.

    However, a soft crying sound came from the other side, along with a scared, soft voice: "S- Sonic...? C- Can you come over please?"

    At that, all sleep left was snapped out, leaving Sonic fully awake. If Tails was like that, then it was serious. "Something wrong, little buddy?" he asked, sitting up and tying on his bandana (I know some people call it a scarf, but I perfer to it as a bandana because it looks like one. Kind of). "You were feeling fine this morning."

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now