Chapter 33

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    Since Tails' birthday was several days ago, I thought I'd write this fluffy oneshot in honor of our adorable little fox. Sure it's a little late, but you know what I say: better late than never.

    Halloween was coming up fast, and everyone in Bygone Island was looking forward to it. Especially Team Sonic. This would be Cosmo's first Halloween, so she was pretty excited too. But she was also confused; she hadn't celebrated anything since the war. Luckily, Zooey was there to tell her what it was and what everyone did that time of year. Understandably, Cosmo was spooked, but Zooey assured her that there wasn't anything to be scared of.

    Speaking of Team Sonic, they were pretty excited as well. Tails was just hoping that he wouldn't get scared in front of everyone, especially in front of his girlfriend. He didn't want to ruin the fun for everyone just because he was scared of a few things like Halloween decorations (which he wasn't, by the way). It didn't stop him from looking forward to it as much s everyone else, though.

    But first, there was something else that they would have to take care of first: a special day for their fox teammate. Tails' birthday was coming up in a couple of days, and the team was planning on throwing him a surprise birthday party. Cosmo and Zooey helped out with the planning and inviting while Sonic was in charge of keeping Tails busy until everything was ready. Sonic eagerly agreed to his part of the plan, mostly because he was looking forward to spending time with his little fox cub brother. Even on days like his birthday.

    After some thinking, an idea popped into Sonic's head. Soon, he had everything planned out for Tails' special day. When the time came, he would be ready to help give Tails the best birthday ever.
    Soon, before anyone realized it, the day was here. Today was Tails' birthday. As he arrived at his little brother's place with a small present hidden behind his back, Sonic was nearly bursting with excitement. He couldn't wait to see how Tails would react. Opening the door, he snuck inside and quietly went up the stairs. Upon arriving at Tails' room, he noticed the door was slightly ajar.

    Sonic silently peaked in and a big smile crossed his face at the sight he saw. Tails, his little brother, his pride and joy, was laying in bed, fast asleep, the tips of his namesakes sticking out and swishing every now and then under the sheets. Cute, little snores escaped from his mouth, and the sunlight was shining through his window onto his face, turning his bright orange fur almost gold. His face was full of peace, like no one or no thing could ever bother him. It was a lovely sight that Sonic always wished could stay forever. But as much as he wanted to let Tails sleep in, there was no way he was going to let him miss his special day.

    So, putting his gift on the nightstand next to his bed, Sonic knelt down beside him. "Tails, wake up, little bro..." he whispered, shaking his shoulder.

    Tails yawned, his fangs showing, as his crusty eyes opened to reveal that beautiful sky-blue color as they looked up. "Sonic...?" he said, tiredly.

    Said hedgehog nodded in reply. "Good morning, little buddy," he said, scratching him behind his ear. "Time to rise and shine."

    This earned a satisfied purr from his fox kit brother. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes. "Same with you on that first part," he said.

    Sonic chuckled. Then, Tails noticed the gift on the nightstand. "What's the occasion?" he asked.

    Sonic smiled as he handed it to him. "Happy Birthday, buddy," he said.

    Tails was surprised; he didn't know that no one on his team didn't forget about it. But then, a smile crossed his own face as he looked back up at Sonic. "Thanks, Sonic," he said.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now