Chapter 42

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    C0nch3_, formerly named Y3erMo0tHer1sAl1ive, had a few ideas for me to do. This one the first.

    The older Tails got, the more experienced he became. And thanks to Sonic, physical fighting was one of them. Now not only could he defend himself against Eggman's robots with not just his inventions, but he was always ready to put up a fist or two when the opportunity called for it. Too bad that out wouldn't be enough to keep him from a bad experience that he'd sooner forget...

    One day, it happened. Tails didn't know why or how. One minute, he was in his workshop making some upgrades to the Tornado when he decided to take a break. The next thing he knew, he was knocked out from an attack from behind and taken somewhere. When Tails finally woke up, he found himself chained up in a cell with a shock collar on his neck and a familiar robot watching him. Oh great, Tails thought. It's him again.

    Images of Metal Sonic attacking him in the forest sometime ago flashed through his mind. Though he was scared, Tails wasn't about to let Metal Sonic see that. "If you're gonna ask me where those Chaos Emeralds are, I'm not telling you," he said.

    Metal Sonic didn't really say anything. Instead, he just entered Tails' cell and suddenly struck him, his claws scratching across Tails' face. Tails hissed in pain, but didn't back down. He just glared at the robot, who pulled out a controller. At the press of the button, the shock collar activated, causing Tails horrible pain. The fox screamed as he felt the painful electricity course through his body (not helped with the chains binding him since they're metal and everything). When it finally stopped, Tails was panting, trying to catch his breath and not cry. "Where are the Chaos Emeralds?" asked Metal Sonic. "Give me their location, and I'll let you go."

    "So... So that you'll... just give... me to... E-Eggman?" Tails managed to say through the pain. "In your dreams, murderous robot."

    This only made Metal Sonic give Tails more pain in the form of more attacks and another shock from the collar.
    Outside, everything was silent as a group snuck through the forest to the base, led by Sonic and Cosmo. She was now much older than she was when they first met her. The flowers in her hair were blooming (without her amulet breaking this time, thank goodness), and she was gaining a lot of experience as well. She'd seen everything since she was going to check on Tails when she saw the kidnapping. Hiding behind the door, she waited until the coast was clear so she could contact the rest of the team about the situation. Now there they were, hiding behind some forest cover. "Ready?" asked Cosmo.

    Everyone nodded. At Sonic's signal, they charged towards the entrance while Cosmo climbed into the vents. Her job was to find Tails' cell and get him out of there as soon as possible. Fortunately, she had already gotten his location thanks to the GPS part of Tails' communicator, so she knew where to go. Everyone else, meanwhile, would be fighting off any robots that would come at them. As she crawled through the vents (she was miraculously still small enough to fit in them), she followed the trail on her communicator to see whether she was going the right way (Tails' communicator also had a tracker courtesy of Sonic). "Oh, please be okay, Tails," she said softly. "I'd hate it if something bad happened to you."
    In his cell, Tails laid on the cold floor, badly injured. Scratches covered him all over, and his body was sore from numerous electrocutions Metal Sonic inflicted on him. Even as he laid in his blood, his ears perked up at the sounds of the fight going on. Metal Sonic was no doubt fighting the real Sonic (since he wasn't standing next to his cell). Glad that his friends were finally here, Tails was about to relax when a sound from above caught his attention. Struggling to look up, Tails managed to see a familiar green color peek down from the vent.

    Shocked at what happened to Tails, Cosmo got out of the vent and floated down to him, her skirt puffing out in that parachute form. "Oh, Tails!" she said, racing over to him as soon as she landed. "Are you alright?! Who did this to you?!"

    "Sonic's... *cough*... doppelganger," Tails managed to say before wincing in pain. "He... wanted me to... give out the location... of the Emeralds."

    As she listened, Cosmo glanced over at his chains and the shock collar, wondering how to get them off. Oh, if only we had a key for those, she thought.

    Suddenly, the door behind her broke open, making her jump. Whipping her head to look behind her, the scared look on her face was replaced with relief to see that it was just Knuckles and Sonic, who was in his super form. "Sorry for scaring you, Cosmo," Knuckles apologized as they entered. "Is Tails okay?"

    Cosmo shook her head, gesturing to Tails' injuries. Nodding, Sonic knelt next to Tails, releasing his hold on the Chaos Emeralds, said emeralds disappearing to different hiding spots. Upon looking up and seeing his older brothers, Tails smiled. "H-Hey, guys," he said.

    "Hey, little buddy," Sonic replied as Knuckles snapped the shackles off of Tails' wrists and ankles. "Let's get you out of here and patched up."

    Tails agreed, falling into Sonic's embrace just as Amy and Sticks showed up, both girls just as shocked as they saw Tails' injuries. Reassuring them, Sonic picked up Tails and walked out of the cell, the others following behind while Knuckles snapped off the shock collar just in case Metal Sonic would use that against them. But that wouldn't happen because the robot was badly damaged (thanks, Sonic).
    After a while, Tails was healed and back in action. But he was a wiser fox now, and learned to keep an eye out for any future kidnappings.

    Here's your first request, C0nch3_.I hope you and everyone else enjoy.

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