Chapter 14

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    It was a lovely, sunny day on Bygone Island. Sonic was happily lounging around on a beach chair in the sunshine, enjoying the peace and quiet that came with it after a nice morning run. This was, luckily, one of those days that Eggman wasn't causing any havoc in Hedgehog Village. The only thing making any sound for the moment was his radio, which was sitting out nearby on the patio table playing some music. A song had just finished playing when suddenly: "Attention. Attention everyone. We interrupt this program to bring you this warning: a ferocious thunderstorm is fast approaching Bygone Island. I repeat: a ferocious thunderstorm is fast approaching Bygone Island. You are advised to close up shop immediately and stay in your homes, because it'll last all day."

    Sonic sat up as he heard the weather report. "Are you kidding me?" he grumbled as he grabbed his radio and headed inside just as he noticed dark storm clouds heading towards the island. "Great. And the day was getting real nice to."

    He begrudgingly prepared to stay at home when his wrist communicator buzzed, letting him know that he was getting a call. "Ugh, what now?" he said with a groan, turning it on. "As if this day can't get any more annoying than it already is."

    He prepared to take the call. "Knux, if it's another one of your prank calls again, I swear I'm gonna-"

    But the voice that came out the other end didn't belong to the Enchida, but to a certain astrophobic fox: "S- Sonic *sniff*? C- Can... *whimper*... you come... *sniff*... over please? I- I'm scared."

    At that, all annoyance disappeared from Sonic, his eyes widening at Tails's shaky voice, lined with fear. "Oh man. I'm sorry buddy," he said as he remembered Tails's astrophobia. "I thought that it was one of Knux's prank calls again. I didn't know that it was you."

    "I- It's okay Sonic," Tails replied with a stutter. "Aside from that, I-I need some company. Think you can come over before the storm hits?"

    Sonic looked up at the sky, noticing the rapidly-approaching clouds. By the looks of it, he guessed that he could get to Tails's place in time before it hit. "Where are you right now?" he asked, heading for the door, feeling his big brother instincts kicking into high gear.

    "I'm in the workshop," Tails answered. "I had just finished taking the Tornado out for a maintenance flight. Got done with landing it safely and was checking it for any problems before I heard the weather report."

    "Say no more," said Sonic, stepping outside. "Get inside the house now. I'm on my way."

    With that, he ended the call and sped off at super speed towards his brother's house, hoping to beat the storm. As everyone else on the island heeded the weather warning and prepared for it, a blue blurr could be seen rocketing past them. Every now and then, Sonic glanced up at the clouds, which were getting closer and closer to the island. They lit up every now and then with lightning flashes, the bolts of electricity hitting the ocean. Rumbles of thunder could be heard, clearly getting louder and louder each time. This made him go even faster, determined to beat it.

    Finally, he could see Tails's place in the distance as he ran out of the forest and arrived at the house just as the storm settled over Bygone Island, rain beginning to fall. He knocked on the door, but no one responded. Concerned, he opened the door and went in, closing it behind him as the storm unleashed its fury. He looked around the place, searching for the little fox. "Tails? Tails, where are you buddy?" he called as he slipped off his shoes, worried.

    He heard something move and glanced in that direction. There on the couch was a blanket with something moving underneath it. Tails slowly poked his head out and the instant he saw Sonic, he zipped off the couch and barreled into the older hedgehog, wrapping his arms tightly around him and sending enough force to Sonic, tackling him to the ground. "Oof!" Sonic grunted, feeling his baby brother crash into his chest and send them both to the floor.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now