Chapter 20

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    If there's always a downside to cold weather this time of year, one of those things would be getting sick. That always stinks. Whether it would be coming down with either a stomach bug or even a fever, getting sick was something that no one ever wants and would rather avoid. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case.

    One day, Tails was in town getting some Christmas decorations for his house when his communicator buzzed. Wondering who it was, Tails pressed it so he could answer it. "Who is it?" he asked.

    "Hey there buddy," Sonic answered. "Think you might help us?"

    He didn't sound right, which got Tails concerned. "You okay?" he asked. "You sound like something's wrong."

    "You'll find out soon," Sonic replied. "But I just know that you're not gonna like it."

    "If you say so, Sonic," Tails answered. "I'll just have to get home to put my stuff up and I'll be on my way."

    After getting home and placing his stuff on the couch, he headed off to see what had happened.
    When he got to Sonic's place, he went inside to see the blue blur laying on the couch. He was covered in blankets, had an ice pack on his head, and a thermometer in his mouth. He definitely didn't look to good. "What's up?" he asked.

    Sonic glanced over at the direction of the voice. "Hey buddy," he said. "Glad you could make it."

    "Me too," Tails said. "And by the sounds of it, you're definitely not doing okay."

    Nervously, he touched Sonic's forehead with his hand, only to feel the intense heat coming off it. "Ow!" he exclaimed, yanking it away and waving it around frantically.

    "That's a fever for ya," Sonic replied with a soft chuckle. "Trust me: it's not very pleasant."

    "No kidding," Tails said. "You're feeling like an oven right now."

    Even while sick, Sonic couldn't help but chuckle at the comparison. "Wouldn't know about that," he said, "but I definitely am not feeling cool right now."

    Tails rolled his eyes. "Well I'm gonna go get some medicine for ya," he said. "You better not move."

    "Look who's being bossy," Sonic remarked.

    Tails chucked as he went off to find sone medicine. After rummaging around in Sonic's restroom, he found some in the mirror cabinet. "And I'm gonna go on a random guess and say that the rest of the team's not doing well?" he asked as he came back in the living room.

    "Far as I'm aware," Sonic answered. "Guess it's that time of year again. Trust me: it stinks."

    "I bet," Tails replied as he handed him the medicine. "Anyway, I found the medicine. I'm sure it'll help you."

    Sonic thanked him and took it, sighing as he laid back down. "Anything else I can do to help you?" Tails asked.

    "Not really," Sonic yawned. "I'm gonna go take a nap. But if I do need help, I'll contact you."

   "Alright," Tails said. "Wish I could hug you."

    "Me to pal," Sonic replied. "But I promise: as soon as I'm better, I'll give you the best hug ever."

    Tails blushed. "Thanks, bro," he said. "Get well soon."

    Sonic nodded as he drifted off to sleep. Tails smiled as he left to check on the others.
    Sure enough, they weren't looking too well either. They also got a fever. Tails was more than happy to help them regardless; after all, they helped him in the past, so he was helping them in return. For the next few days, Tails was busy with taking care of his team, working on his inventions, and defending Hedgehog Village from Eggman's attacks. Thanks to his care, it wasn't long before Sonic and his team were able to feel better and be up and about again.

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