Chapter 12

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    Just a cute, fluffy oneshot I came up with.

    Sometimes, fighting Eggman's robots can be pretty tiring enough to the point where the team needed a good, long rest afterwards to recover from it all. Today was no exception, and it was very tiring. There'd been robots all over Hedgehog Village, and Team Sonic had been running around the place, bashing them until they were all gone. It ended up taking all day due to how many there were. By the time they were finally done with it (and after Eggman flew off in his... egg-mobile... thingymajig, or whatever it was you called it after the usual bout of insults), everyone was tuckered out and in need of some rest.

    Sonic and Tails arrived at Sonic's place (Tails was staying there for a visit) feeling very exhausted. Tails was the most tired out; it'd been tough for even him. But his fighting skills had proven to be better though his fists were now hurting from punching through all that metal. "Sheesh, how often does this happen?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. "I don't think I've ever been in a fight like this."

    "Not sure bro, but I can assure you that it hasn't been the first time," Sonic answered as he rubbed a finger under his nose.

    Tails just nodded, understanding. "But you did pretty great out there," Sonic added, turning around to face him as he took off his footwear and gloves. "You're really improving."

    "Couldn't have done so without... *yawn*... you Sonic," Tails replied with a yawn as he did the same. "You... *yawn*... taught me everything I know."

    Sonic grinned and affectionately got him into a headlock and ruffled his bangs, causing Tails to laugh and struggle to get free, playfully trying to get Sonic's hands away from him. Sonic really did love messing with his hair when he had the chance. "Aww, thanks little bro," he said.

    Upon being finally let go, Tails immediately went to smooth down his bangs. "Did you really have to go do that?" he asked, annoyed but also amused at the same time.

    "Hey, that's just being a big brother for you," Sonic chuckled. "They're supposed to mess around with the younger ones."

    Tails just rolled his eyes as he slipped off his goggles and went to look out the living room window at the sunset, the colors looking rather pretty in the sky. As he gazed at the lovely scene before him, the tiredness was slowly but finally coming at him, causing him to yawn. Rubbing his eyes to get rid of it, he heard Sonic call from behind him: "Hey Tails. Got something for you."

    Startled, Tails jumped a little before turning around to see Sonic standing in the doorway with his hands behind his back. "Sorry about that," the hedgehog apologized. "Must've snuck up on you, didn't I?"

    "Probably," Tails answered, trying to hide another yawn coming.

    It came out anyway, much to Tails's dismay. "So what'd you got behind you there?" he asked.

    Sonic smiled, knowing the answer to that question. "I'm glad you asked," he said.

    Moving his hands from behind him, he revealed a folded-up brown bandana- one of his own. Tails was surprised. "Is that... for me?" he asked.

    "Yep," Sonic answered, tossing it to him. "You've been getting better and better at fighting off Eggman's robots alongside the rest of us over time. And you've been a great little brother. So I figured that if anyone were to wear this, it's be you."

    Tails smiled and, after unfolding it, tried to put it on so it would be like Sonic's. But thanks to his slowly increasing tiredness, it was proving to be rather difficult for him. Sonic took notice of it. "Need help, lil' bro?" he asked kindly.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now