Chapter 41

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    Samuel415 requested this oneshot. Hope you enjoy.

    As time went by and as they got older, Sonic and Tails' bond with each other grew even stronger. They were rarely seen separately; they were together in their fights against Eggman, and they were always hanging out together on normal days. The two wouldn't imagine that their love for each other would go beyond brotherly. And that's exactly what happened, but not how one would expect...

    One day, Sonic and Tails were play-wrestling outside with each other, laughing and tackling each other in the sand. It was a part of their training to help Tails with his physical fighting prowess; Tails was always relying on his flight and his mechanical skills. With a jump, Tails pounced at Sonic, only for said hedgehog to dodge out of the way with a smirk. In return, Sonic tried getting at Tails with a friendly punch, only for the fox to swiftly move to the side. "Missed me!" he teased, blowing a raspberry at him.

    That was a big mistake; upon seeing an opening, Sonic didn't hesitate to pounce at him. Tails, of course, didn't notice until it was too late. With a yelp, Tails felt himself getting tackled to the ground, his back hitting the sand. He tried to escape, but Sonic was already on top of him, holding him in a tight grip. No matter how much Tails struggled, he couldn't break away from Sonic's iron hold. "Gotcha!" he said victoriously. "You were close. Not as close as me, though."

    Tails just turned his head and stuck his tounge out at him. That just made Sonic sit up, pulling Tails up with him, and press the fox's back to his chest so that he could playfully bite at his neck and ears, pretending to eat him. Tails couldn't help but laugh as he felt Sonic's teeth nip him in those areas. "Okay, okay. I get the picture," he said between laughs. "You win."

    Sonic smirked again as he finally let Tails go. "You bet I did," he said. "But you're doing better yourself."

    Tails smiled as he stood up and dusted the sand off himself. "It's all thanks to you, Sonic," he said. "If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have become the fox I am today."

    Sonic smiled back as the two headed inside to get themselves cleaned off from the sand they were still covered in. Soon, the two freshly-cleaned brothers were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching some TV. But Tails wasn't paying much attention to whatever was playing on the television at the moment. He was deep in thought about something that had bothered him since a few months ago: his love for Sonic, while not romantic, had grown a lot. In fact, he even began seeing Sonic as less of a brother and more of what he really wanted: a loving father. Sonic sure acted a lot like a dad in most cases.

    The real problem was that Tails didn't know how to voice out about this to Sonic. He was scared that he'd get it all wrong and get hated on again like he used to in the past before they met. Sonic must've noticed Tails' expression, because he ran a finger along Tails' jawline, making him giggle. "There's that smile," he said. "What's gotten into my adorable little brother that made his smile go away?"

    That got Tails nervous. "Well..." he said. "It's just... uh... you see, I..." He just couldn't get it out.

    "Take your time," said Sonic gently. "I'm in no hurry. I promise I'm not gonna get mad with whatever you're gonna say."

    Gulping nervously, and realizing that there was no running away from it, Tails took a deep breath and, bracing himself and getting everything that he needed to say in his head ready, decided that it was time to just get it out. "Sonic," he said. "There's something that's been bothering me for a while. Remember when I accidently called you 'Dad' one night after you put me in bed?"

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now