Chapter 32

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    Tails yawned as he worked in his workshop. He loved working on his inventions and stuff, but sometimes, they could be energy draining depending on what they were. Plus, also depending on how hard some of them are, they would prevent Tails from getting a good night's sleep or from eating enough to keep his energy levels up. This was one of those times.

    Currently, Tails was working on a device that would help out Sonic whenever the team would go on underwater missions. It hadn't happened yet, but in Tails' case, it was best to be prepared. Trying (and failing) to rub the sleep out of his eyes, Tails happened to look up at the clock. "Morning... already?" he said sleepily as he yawned again. "Forgot... how late... I worked last... night."

    He had just flopped down on his desk when Sonic showed up in a flash of blue, stopping at the doorway. "What's shakin', lil' bro?" he asked cheerfully.

    No response came. Confused, Sonic entered the workshop and headed over to the desk. And a smile crossed his face as he saw Tails laying on his desk, fast asleep. He was laying in his folded arms, which were tucked under his head, and soft breaths were leaving him. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, like nothing would bother him.

    Catching sight of Tails' project, Sonic smiled even bigger when he got a close, good look at it. Tails was always finding ways to help the team, Sonic in particular. Happily, Sonic headed over to Tails and, stooping down next to him, slipped his arms under his knees and around his shoulders. Having decided to take him to his room so he'd be more comfortable, Sonic stood up with the sleeping vulpine in his arms and made his way out of the workshop and towards the house. Arriving inside, he made his way to Tails' bedroom and, being careful not to wake him, laid him down in bed. After taking off his little brother's gear so he'd sleep better, Sonic pulled the sheets and blanket over the little fox, tucking him in snugly.

    As he glanced down at the sleeping kit, Sonic couldn't help but notice the black bags under his eyelids. Clearly, that project was preventing Tails from getting any sleep; it wouldn't be the first time it happened. Then again, some of his other projects also caused him to be like that. A sigh escaping him, Sonic leaned down and gently but carefully engulfed Tails in a hug, nuzzling his face against his own. "I know you want to help everyone, Tails," he whispered into his ear. "But you gotta take care of yourself every once in a while. At the same time, I appreciate you wanting to help me."

    With a loving smile, Sonic then kissed Tails' forehead. "Sleep well, my precious baby brother," he said. "I hope no nightmares come at you."

    With that, Sonic then stood up and left, leaving Tails to sleep peacefully.
    All day and night, Tails was left sleeping deeply in his room, looking like he wasn't showing any signs of life. Finally, as a new day dawned, Tails stirred a bit, his eyes starting to twitch as sunlight shone on him through his window. He felt as someone gently shook him by the shoulder, helping to rouse him a little more. "Tails. Wake up, little bro..." said a familiar voice.

    Tails yawned as his eyes flickered opened, his fangs showing. "S... Sonic?" he said tiredly.

    Said hedgehog smiled. "Rise and shine, buddy," he said, nuzzling his forehead.

    Tails giggled at the contact. As he got more awake, he looked around at his surroundings. "Where am I?" he asked.

    "In your room," Sonic replied. "Yesterday, you fell asleep in your workshop. I happened to stop by, so when I found you sleeping on your desk, I decided to carry you to your room. You stayed up all night again, didn't you?"

    Tails sighed. "Nothing gets past you, huh?" he asked.

    Sonic shook his head. "Nope," he said.

    Tails blushed, his ears drooping as he looked down at the ground. "Don't worry, little bro," Sonic said. "I'm not mad at you." He reached out and scratched Tails behind his ear, earning a satisfied purr from the fox cub.

    To answer Sonic's earlier question, Tails then nodded, his eyes quivering. Wanting to soothe him, Sonic pulled him into a hug, allowing his fox cub brother to bury his face into his chest. He curled up into a ball in Sonic's embrace, pathetically whimpering. "I wanted to help you, Sonic," he said. "Not just everyone else."

    Sonic shushed him, nuzzling him softly. "I understand, lil' bro," he said. "And I'm proud of you for that. But it never hurts to take care of yourself as well. This isn't the first time you've lost sleep because of something like this."

    Tails looked up at his hedgehog brother. "I know," he said, "but sometimes, my inventions could be so tiring to work on. And I want to get them done so bad, they drain all my energy."

    Sonic hugged him tighter, making sure to keep it gentle. "There's nothing wrong with taking a break," he said. "It's important for you. Plus, you never have to worry about sleeping all day or getting a cranky, tired attitude first thing in the morning. Maybe you should take a break, starting with today."

    Tails had to admit Sonic was right; he really needed a break after his work. And luckily, Sonic had just the idea. "How about you and me spend today together hanging out?" he suggested.

    Tails' face instantly lit up. "Really?!" he exclaimed excitedly as he looked up at him. "I'd love that!"

    "Then let's get to it!" Sonic replied, laughing as he picked up Tails, the fox cub laughing as he was tossed and spun around in the air by his big brother.

    No matter what, Tails could always count on Sonic to put a smile on his face.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now