Chapter 3

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    It'd been about a few months or so since Tails was taken in by Sonic, and he loved every second of it. It was a whole lot better than living out in the woods or in alleyways. And every day was better than the last. The two brothers did a lot of stuff together like playing frisbee, going out for runs (with Tails piggybacking on Sonic), and pretty much having fun with each other. It was a thousand times better than beating beat up by bullies. Sonic was always there to help Tails no matter what he was struggling with, and Tails was happy to finally have a brother.

    One day, Tails was wandering around the house thinking of some way to repay Sonic for what he did when he caught sight of something outside. Looking out the window, he saw that it was Sonic's plane, the Tornado. Running outside for a closer look, he saw that it was in good condition, but in his opinion, it could use an upgrade or two. "Wow. It looks awesome and it also looks fast," he said as he looked at the plane's controls. "But maybe I can make it faster."

    Instantly, he set to work. In a few hours, it was as good as new. Currently, he was getting a new coat of blue paint on it when he heard a voice behind him: "What's up, bud?"

    Having not heard him approach, Tails was so startled that he toppled over backwards to the ground, landing on his back. As soon as he sat up to recover from it, his paintbrush plopped on his head, leaving a blob of blue paint. Then the whole paint can came toppling over and ended up landing on his head, spilling paint all over him. "AUGH!" he yelled.

   "Oops. Sorry about that Tails," said Sonic as he lifted the now empty paint can off his brother's head. "Didn't mean to startle you like that. You alright?"

    Tails was covered from head to foot with paint. "Could be better," he replied, spitting some paint out of his mouth. "And sorry about that. But whenever I see something that needs fixing, I can't help myself."

    Sonic took a look himself. "Well, I like what you did with it," he said. "Especially with the color."

    "Thanks," said Tails. "Sorry I got the color wasted here."

    "It's okay," said Sonic. "I can always get more. Now let's get you hosed off; I'm not having you walking in the house covered in paint. I'm pretty sure that that stuff's permanent on wood floors."

    "You sure I won't get blasted across the yard?" asked Tails, uncertain.

    "Oh come on. I'm positive that it isn't gonna happen," Sonic answered as he turned on the hose. "Just gotta get it turned on to the right setting, that's all.

    After setting the nozzle to "Shower" mode, he aimed it at Tails and sprayed him, getting all the paint off. By the time he was done, the paint was off, but Tails's fur still had some blue in it. But at least he was able to finally open his eyes (he had them closed the whole time to avoid paint dripping into them. I'm pretty sure that it hurts badly if it happens). After a bath however, the rest of the paint was scrubbed off his fur, changing it back to its orange and white color scheme. But after getting him dried off, Sonic had to hold back a laugh; Tails's fur was all puffed up everywhere, making him look like a pom-pom.

    Later that day, the two were sitting in the living room watching TV. Tails's fur was smoothed down at this point, and Sonic was thinking about something. "Hey Tails," he asked, "I'm curious: why were you outside with my plane earlier?"

    "Well, I figured that it needed some upgrades to make it go faster," Tails answered, "and after what you did for me, taking me in and all that, I figured I'd do a little something for you in return."

    Sonic smiled. "I might have to test it out later," he said. "And thanks a lot. Always knew you were smart, but I'd never thought that you'd be that intelligent."

    Tails smiled back. "You're welcome," he said. "Maybe we can try it out tomorrow?"

    "Better yet," Sonic replied, "we can test it today. How does that sound?"

    "Sounds awesome," Tails answered. "But first, I might need to finish getting that blue paint on the plane, and then we'd have to wait until it's dry."

    "I'm not rushing you, buddy," Sonic said. "Take your time. Looking forward to it."
    Hours later, the paint was dry. It was now a beautiful light blue with Tornado written in white letters. "So," said Sonic as he and Tails approached the plane, "you ever flew a plane before?"

    "Not really," Tails answered. "Why?"

    Sonic grinned. "Well you know what they say," he said. "First time for everything."

    Tails's eyes widened. "You mean... I get to fly it?" he asked in shock.

    Sonic nodded. "Yep," he said as he picked up Tails, jumped onto the plane, and placed him in the pilot's seat.

    As for himself, he jumped onto the wing and held on. "Sonic, shouldn't you be getting in as well?" Tails asked as he strapped himself in.

    "I'll be fine," Sonic assured him. "Besides, that plane only has one seat anyway."

    Tails just went with it with an unsure gaze as he strapped on his goggles (he'd gotten a new pair of goggles and a new belt the day after he started staying with him) and started the engine. After a few whines, it whirred to life, its propeller spinning as the fox taxied it out to the runway. "It's working! It's working!" he said, happy that all his hard work paid off.

    With a thumbs-up from Sonic signaling that he was ready, Tails began lift-off. Soon, they were flying through the sky, Sonic riding on the wing and enjoying the wind on his face, and Tails riding in the pilot's seat. Today was a perfect day for flying, so that was an added bonus. The two had a great time, and nothing bad happened that interrupted their flight. By the time Tails decided to bring the plane in for a landing, it was late in the afternoon. Upon landing, the little fox taxied the plane off the runway and parked it in a nearby shed. "So Sonic, what do you think?" Tails asked when they both entered the house. "Did you like it?"

    "Like it?" Sonic repeated. "No, I didn't like it."

    Tails was about to ask why when Sonic suddenly swept him up into a hug. "I LOVED IT!" he exclaimed happily, spinning his brother in the air.

    Tails laughed happily, feeling himself getting lifted up into a hug and spun around. "To be honest, you got me on that first part," he chuckled. "But I'm glad that you enjoyed it."

    "Me to, bro," Sonic replied.

    As they sat on the couch with the TV on, Sonic still had a smile on his face. Man, my little brother is not only cute, but he's also so smart and intelligent, he thought. He even managed to give my plane a much-needed upgrade. Tails is definitely someone that deserves better now.

    As these thoughts circled his head, Sonic felt Tails curl into his side, purring into him. Smiling happily, he wrapped an arm around the adorable kit, pulling him in closer as he rubbed behind his ears affectionately. Thanks for the payback there Tails, he thought. I'll never forget it.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now