Chapter 2

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    This one was requested by JenniferTrump.

    About a week or two later, Sonic took Tails to meet his team. Tails was pretty nervous of seeing them at first, which was understandable considering that every time he met someone, he was greeted with nothing but ridicule. But Sonic assured him that his team wasn't like the others, and that no matter what, he'll always be there for him. Arriving in town, they eventually saw Sonic's team hanging around in the town square. They consisted of Amy Rose, a pink hedgehog who always had a crush on Sonic; Knuckles, the last remaining Enchida of his kind; and Sticks, a badger who wasn't a big technology fan. "Is that your team?" asked Tails, who was hiding behind Sonic.

    "Yep," Sonic answered. "Don't worry, they won't make fun of you. They're all different in their own way; Amy can operate a really big hammer like a pro, Knuckles can punch through solid surfaces like rock easily, and Sticks may be the old fashioned type, but she can really hold her own in a fight. Even I'm different; I run at the speed of sound."

    "Hey Sonic!" Amy called with a wave upon seeing him.

    Sonic waved back as he and Tails approached them. "Whatcha got behind you?" asked Sticks, curious.

    "A young fox I found in the woods a few weeks ago," Sonic answered.

    Turning behind him, he said to Tails, "Come on, little buddy. Come on out. They're nice."

    Nervously, Tails slowly stepped out from behind Sonic, his two tails swishing behind him, and greeted them with a shy wave. Amy immediately ran over and hugged him. "HE'S SO CUTE!" she practically squealed.

    Tails was startled at the guester, having never expected it. "What's your name, kid?" Sticks asked.

    "T- T- Tails," he managed to say despite getting squeezed.

    After finally being let go, he was catching his breath when Knuckles approached him. He just smiled and patted him on the head with a huge hand. "Nice to meet you," he said.

    "Same with you," Tails panted out.

    Sonic chuckled. "Got yourself in a bit of a squeeze, huh?" he commented.

    "Something like that," agreed Tails with a nod.

    After chatting for a while, they headed over to a field that was often used for training. Sitting off to the side so that he was out of the way, Tails watched as Sonic and his team practiced their respective skills. Amy swung her huge hammer around with precision, and was careful not to accidentally hit her teammates. Knuckles was punching big rocks left and right, breaking them to bits. Sticks was demonstrating her skills in trap-building like an old-fashioned net trap and a pit trap- which Sonic accidentally fell in while practicing his super speed. "Oops," Sticks said when she saw what happened. "Sorry about that."

    Tails raced over. "You okay down there Sonic?" he called down.

    "I'm good," Sonic called back. "And it's okay, Sticks. No injuries; I just wasn't looking where I was going. Think you might help get me out, Tails?"

    Tails wasn't sure, but he decided to give it a try. Looking around for something he could use, he happened to eye his twin tails. That gave him an idea. Twisting them both together, he then released them, causing them to spin like a propeller. Immediately, Tails was hovering like a helicopter. Happy with his newfound ability, he was able to fly into the hole and pull Sonic out. "Impressive Tails," he said. "You've just unlocked a new ability. Thanks for the save."

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now