Chapter 23

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    Sonic was chilling out on his hammock one evening, happy for a peaceful day. No Eggman to deal with, beach volleyball was enjoyed by the whole team, and he even got to spend time with his little brother. He watched the sunset outside, enjoying the colors that showed up against the sky. Feeling sleepiness tug at his eyelids, Sonic was about to doze off when he felt a weight right on top of him, snapping him out of it.

    In his line of vision, he could see two fluffy ears almost drooping. Looking down, Sonic couldn't help but smile when he saw that Tails had snuggled up on top of him. His head was resting on the older one's chest, his arms were wrapped around him, and his namesakes were hanging off one side of the hammock, the tips twitching a little every now and then. "Hey, little buddy," Sonic said softly. "Glad you had a great day?" He stroked Tails's fluffy fur as he asked him.

    Tails purred happily, nodding. "Got to work on my inventions and stuff," he said. "I love days like this."

    "Me too," Sonic agreed. "Because I get to hang out with people like my best little bro without interruption." He nuzzled Tails as he said this.

    Tails giggled softly and nuzzled back, a sigh escaping him as he felt Sonic's arms come around him. One hand rubbed his back while the other petted his head, making him purr. He felt as Sonic's lips gently pressed against his forehead and cheek in a couple of kisses before he felt himself being moved so that he was facing Sonic, who cupped his face in his hands before he leaned up and captured Tails's lips in a kiss. Tails returned it, a warm feeling filling him up as his tails swished in sync.

    They separated with a smile, and Sonic tugged Tails close to him, resting his head back on his chest. It was followed by a session of them snuggling and cuddling each other. Sonic hummed a tune, moving the hammock from side to side as he rocked them both. The swaying motions was soothing and peaceful. It wasn't long before Tails yawned cutely, the events of today catching up to him. Sonic noticed and continued rocking and humming until Tails was feeling sleepy, curled up into a fluffy ball in Sonic's grasp. Sonic smiled down at him and smoothed down his fur. "Go to sleep, Tails," he whispered. "You'll feel more energized in the morning."

    "M'kay," Tails yawned again. "I love you."

    Sonic smiled, leaning down and kissing him on the lips again. "I love you too, baby brother," he replied.

    Sharing one last hug, they fell asleep, purring in each other's arms.

    Short one, but I hope you like it.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now