Chapter 29

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    This oneshot takes place after Sonic Boom Episode 61.

    A tired, two-tailed fox could be seen in his workshop one day, not really in the mood for working on his inventions. Long story short, his problems involved a machine that would help with village defences better (until Eggman found a loophole) and the whole village badmouthing him despite Sonic thankfully coming to his defense. Also, it involved him creating a duplicating machine, which also didn't work out. And though things were back to normal now, Tails was still saddened by the events.

    Sighing sadly, Tails decided to go take a walk out into the forest so he could get some fresh air. Eventually arriving at a cliffside, he sat down and stared out into the sea and the sky, his head replaying the events that went down. "Am I... really not good enough?" he said to himself. "Sure, my inventions don't always work, but at least I actually try. At least I try to put in the effort. But regardless, they always find ways to criticize me."

    He hung his head down, tears appearing in his eyes. "I guess I'm... not as smart as I thought I was," he said as he began to cry.

    Curling himself up into a ball, Tails cried for sometime (his face buried in his namesakes) when his ears, which had been flattened down out of sadness, perked up a little when the sound of footsteps could be heard. Tails didn't look up at who it was, too fixated on the ground, but knew who it was when a hand touched his shoulder. "You okay, little buddy?" asked a voice.

    Tails just shook his head, not trusting his voice at the moment. But whoever was behind him knew otherwise, because Tails only had a second to process a pair of hands wrapped around his midsection (recognizing the spikes on the knuckles) before he felt himself getting picked up off the ground and moved into the arms of a certain Echidna. Recognizing it to be Knuckles, Tails curled into his chest, whimpering as he weakly purred, his tails weakly swishing from side to side. Adjusting his hold on him so that he was cradling his little brother, Knuckles stood up and headed out of the forest towards home, feeling the weak purrs against his chest. "Let's get you to Sonic," he said. "Whatever's bothering you, he cam help out with, okay?"

    Tails just nodded, relaxing as he felt his oldest brother-figure scratch him gently behind his ear, causing him to go limp. Chuckling wholeheartedly at the sight, Knuckles just continued onwards, eventually arriving at Tails' house. Getting inside the house, Knuckles laid Tails down on the couch, propping his head with a pillow, and, after taking his gear off so he'd be more comfortable (and leaving it next to the table just in case), draped a blanket over him to keep him warm. Kissing his forehead gently, Knuckles smiled at his youngest brother, who was asleep at this point, and left the house, leaving Tails sleeping on the couch.
    About a few hours later, Tails was woken up by something rubbing against his face. Opening his eyes, he wasn't surprised to see a pair of familiar green eyes looking at him, but he couldn't help but smile at who they belonged to. "Hey, Sonic," he yawned, rubbing his eyes.

    Sonic smiled back, running a finger across Tails' cheek with a featherweight touch, causing him to giggle. "Hey there, little bro," he said. "Knux said that there was sonething bothering you. Care to talk about it?"

    Tails looked down at the couch cushion, hesitating as he doodled it with a finger. "Well," he said finally, "it's... *sigh*... Remember what happened yesterday?"

    Sonic thought about it. Then, it dawned on him. "I remember," he said. "They were really giving you a hard time, huh?"

    Tails nodded, sniffling again as more tears filled his eyes. A sad smile crossing his face, Sonic sat down on the couch next to Tails. "Come here, little bro," he said, opening his arms and gesturing with his fingers.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now