Chapter 26

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    Just a little something that I chose to write to make up for not getting a story that I've originally planned published. I'm just gonna be busy with a bunch of other stuff over the next couple weeks.

    It was Valentine's Day today. Everyone knew that Valentine's Day was about love, but until he'd been taken in by Sonic, Tails didn't know what that was. It was understandable since he'd been bullied in the past. As he sat at his desk, his tails flitting behind him, he looked down at something that he made for Sonic. It was basically just a heart made out of blue paper with a message written on it with a white pen so that it'd be easier to read. Amy helped him out on that; speaking of said hedgehog, she was probably chasing Sonic around the island so that she'd give him a Valentine of his own. Tails chuckled at the thought; old habits seemed to die hard.

    Smiling, but still a little unsure, Tails picked up Sonic's gift and was about to head out when his eye caught something. Turning around, he smiled at Cosmo's plant on the windowsill upstairs, growing in the sunshine. Spinning his namesakes sound, Tails flew up to it, smiling at how beautiful it grew over sometime. After watering it, he decorated the flowerpot it was growing in with bright red ribbon, which he tied into a bow on the front. "Happy Valentine's Day, Cosmo," he said before he flew back downstairs and left.

    Arriving at Sonic's place, he saw that no one was home. Smiling, he snuck inside and placed the heart onto Sonic's hammock. He would've given it to him in person, but he was pretty nervous about what Sonic's reaction would be. With that done, he headed back home.

    Sometime later, Sonic entered his home after getting chased around by Amy. Her valentine gift for him was a card with a love poem written on it. There was also a candy heart taped onto it that said: "I ♡ You." Sonic chuckled; he cared for Amy as a good friend and all, but sometimes there's just some things that he didn't know about her. Placing the gift on the table, he decided to rest for awhile in his hammock when he spotted something blue on it. Going over to it for a closer look, he saw a blue heart with something written in white pen. It said:


Thank you so much for taking me in as a brother and a sidekick. If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't even be here right now; I'd still be getting picked on by bullies and would no doubt be either suicidal or just on the evil side. You saved me from that, and I'll forever be grateful. I love you so much, bro. And no amount of words would be enough for me to express all that. You're a great older brother, and I trust and love you more than anything or anyone. I look forward to future adventures with you by my side.

Love your little bro,
Miles "Tails" Prower

    And underneath the writing was a picture. It was of the brothers running through a grassy plain with a blue sky and mountains in the background. Well, Sonic was running while Tails was flying alongside him with his twin namesakes. Sure, the artwork was a little childish, but it was still pretty.

    Sonic was touched at what he was given. It had only seemed like yesterday that he had taken Tails in from a miserable life and had given him a life of adventure and purpose. And now, thanks to that choice, his life was a lot more better than it'd been previously. Wanting to do something for Tails in return, he headed off.
    As the day passed, Tails was doodling away in his workshop with some new ideas in his head. He didn't look at the time until he noticed that it was now late afternoon. Deciding to take a break for awhile, he headed to his house and got a drink of water. He was about to then go relax for a bit on the couch when he sensed that he wasn't the only one in the house. Cautiously looking around, he almost freaked out when a pair of arms came around him until a familiar smell enveloped him all over. This made him relax almost instantly, but he was still a little anxious. That was when he was pulled into someone's chest, a purr vibrating from it as a head nuzzled his own. Sighing softly, Tails unconsciously nuzzled back, the contact quite comforting. "Sorry for scaring you, little buddy," said a voice. "Didn't mean to give you a heart attack like that."

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now