Chapter 10

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    This one's been floating around my head for a while. This takes place after the events of "Sonic X" and it deals with Tails suffering from depression after what happened to Cosmo. And yeah, I'm not going into spoilers here on the paragraph I'm typing out right now, but the first time I saw that scene in the Japanese version, I couldn't stop crying. At all. For several days. That's saying something. Just goes to show how emotional animated and anime shows can be when put in with enough effort. Plus, I've read a few stories from others about the aftermath of Cosmo's death and figured I'd someday give it a shot myself in the Sonic Boom universe and see how it turns out. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, enjoy the chapter. P. S.- spoiler alert and you may want a box of tissues for this. Trust me. And P. P. S.- warnings for any serious real life issues.

    Tails woke up feeling miserable one rainy day. It'd been about 5 months since the death of a very special girl who he loved- a Seedrian girl named Cosmo. They met after she had crashed in a ship onto their planet. She and Tails formed a close bond, and as they spent more time together during the Metarex War, Tails had started to develop feelings for her, which only deepened after suffering a brutal beatdown while protecting her from Shadow (earning him his respect in the process), and he still cared for her even after learning she was a spy. But in the end, Cosmo made the ultimate choice: she sacrificed herself, her life,  for the galaxy. This devastated Tails the most because he was the one that had to pull that trigger on her. Because she asked him to.

    Since then, Tails had suffered from a very bad depression. He hadn't responded to any of his friends calls. He spent all day every day sitting in his room, not even bothering to work on any of his stuff, not even the Tornado. He ate only once a day. He never got any decent sleep. And worse, he hadn't responded to Sonic's calls the whole time. In fact, he hadn't even bothered talking with him because in his grief, he ended up blaming him for Cosmo's death, accusing him of not being able to save her. For the first time, their usually unbreakable bond of love and brotherhood had taken a very massive blow- probably beyond recovery.

    Slowly getting out of bed, Tails slumped over to his desk. On it was a white flowerpot with a tiny green plant that always stood under the window where sunshine was shining through it. Tails sat in his desk chair and gazed at it with a glum expression. He always spent all day just staring at it as if he could still speak to her in a way. He couldn't even go a full minute without looking at it. Getting a nearby watering can (he kept it next to the desk), he held it over the plant and, slowly tipping it over, let the water sprinkle gently on it, something he did about 5 times a day; he wanted the plant to grow and someday be as beautiful as Cosmo. When he was done, he placed it back down on the floor and continued staring at it. Tears filled his eyes as he recalled the day it happened, remembering every detail as if it had happened yesterday...


    The final battle against the Metarex had been a lot tougher than anyone had anticipated. And that was for a few reasons:

    First off, Dark Oak, the Metarex leader, and his lieutenants Pale Bayleaf and Black Narcissus (Red Pine and Yellow Zelkova had already died before this) had turned into a three-headed dragon called Final Mova thanks to the combined power of the Chaos Emeralds and Aquarius' Planet Egg after destroying their entire fleet during said transformation. Despite all the firepower shot at them from both Sonic's team and Dr. Eggman (who had teamed up with the heroes), it didn't do any damage to it (which really wasn't surprising at this point; the Metarex were pretty tough, especially the Metarex Generals themselves). The stakes only heightened and even worsened when it tried to go after the Master Emerald, threatening Tails' and Cosmo's lives in the process. Sonic attempted to stop it, but got pretty beat up. And upon refusal to join forces with Dark Oak, a battered Sonic was swallowed up by him thanks to geysers shooting out after he threw Amy to safety.

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