Chapter 16

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    Team Sonic was pretty excited for Halloween; there was to be a Halloween party at town tonight, and everyone was getting ready for it. Some were busy with the food while others took charge with the decorations. At home, Tails was eagerly getting ready for the party. His costume was a classic ghost one (it was a last-minute resort since he didn't have any other costume ideas). He had just gotten done getting it on when he heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" he called as he headed out his room.

    But strangely, when he opened the door, no one was outside. Confused, Tails looked around for a while before shutting the door with a shrug. He was about to go back to his room for his ghost mask when two hands suddenly appeared in front of him. One covered his eyes while the other covered his mouth, leaving the startled fox to shout out with a muffled but surprised sound. What just happened? As he asked himself that question, he felt himself getting pulled him back into something. Or should I say, someone. "Shhhhh," said a familiar voice from behind. "Don't scream, okay?"

    Tails obeyed, thought he was now shivering at both the fear and unexpectedness of it all. "That's better," said the voice.

    He could feel himself being led somewhere and laid down on something soft. Whoever got at him then got on the couch and straddled him. The instant his eyes were uncovered, Tails could see that it was none other than Sonic, who was dressed up in a vampire costume. "Now... what to do?" he said, pretending to think.

    With a finger snap that said "I got it!", he reached out with his free hand (the other one was still covering Tails's mouth). "This'll be fun!" he said with a smirk. "Are you ready to have some fun?"

    Tails shook his head, letting out some muffled sounds but unable to speak thanks to his covered mouth. "Well, that's too bad!" Sonic grinned.

    At that, he began tickling him, his fingers gently scribbling on his stomach and chest, even getting under his arms. Instantly, Tails giggled, which sounded muffled thanks to Sonic's hand. The blue speedster smiled at the sound; muffled as it was, he always found Tails's laughter to be cute. After about several seconds, Sonic stopped, letting the fox catch his breath. "Well Tails, you took that tickling very well," he said. "And since you've been in such good behavior, I'll let you off the hook."

    With that, he removed his hand from Tails's mouth, the little guy panting heavily. "You okay, buddy?" Sonic asked.

    It took a while for Tails to catch his breath. Once he did, he looked up at Sonic and smiled, still giggling. "I am now," he said. "What the heck was that for, though?"

    "Because I felt like it," Sonic chuckled. "Plus, I just wanted to have some fun."

    Tails smiled. "Well in that case," he said, "let's see if you can handle THIS!"

    Before Sonic saw it coming, Tails pounced on top of him, tackling him to the ground and tickling him in return. Sonic laughed as Tails's fingers scribbled him anywhere he could reach. Not wanting to be beat, he began tickling his little brother once more, even placing gentle, playful bites on his neck (his vampire fangs were fake). After a while, the two finally stopped, out of breath and giggling happily. Tails hugged Sonic, who hugged him back in return as he sat up. "That was fun," he said.

    Tails nodded and was about to go get his ghost mask when Sonic swept him off his feet in a bridal style carry. The fox squeaked in surprise, instinctively wrapping his arms around Sonic's neck. The hedgehog chuckled as he just arrived in Tails's room and picked up his mask, which was laying on the bed, and placed it over him. "There's my little ghost," he said.

    Tails's response was to move part of his mask out of the way so he could blow a teasing raspberry at him. Sonic laughed as he and Tails then nuzzled each other's faces, leaning forward so that they could kiss each other. Then, the two separated, smiling still. "Love you Sonic," said Tails as he curled closer, his twin namesakes wrapping up around Sonic's waist.

    Sonic, in return, kissed Tails's forehead, ruffling his bangs. "I love you too, buddy," he said. "Now how about we find the rest of the gang and go have ourselves a fun time tonight?"

    Tails nodded. Sonic smoked as he moved Tails so that he was sitting on his shoulders and headed off for a fun, spooky night.

    Happy Halloween!

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