Chapter 24

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    Warning ahead for any sensitive subject.

    Tails sighed one day while he was in his workshop. He was drawing up plans for a new invention, but something inside told him that either the calculations were wrong or the design needed to be improved. So he was in a huge case of inventor's block, as it were. Crumpled up pieces of paper were piled up in the trash can near his desk. With a moan, Tails laid his head in his arms, tears beginning to appear in his eyes. Today was just not his day. And to make matters worse, all that stress was giving him a headache. It's hopeless, he thought. I'll never get it right. And Tails began to cry.

    Just then, he heard someone enter the shop, but he didn't look up to see who it was. But he still recognized the arrival when he felt a hand pet his head. That made him freeze as he realized who it was just by the touch. "S... Sonic?" he whimpered, a little muffled.

    His suspicions were confirmed when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, enveloping him in warmth, comfort, and the smell of home. "Hey there, little buddy," said Sonic. "Something wrong?"

    Tails slowly sat up, not wanting to look at him. "Today isn't my day," he said. "I'm drawing up plans for a new invention, but I'm not get either the calculations or the design right." He gestured to the crumpled papers on the floor.

    "Some sort of block getting at you?" Sonic asked. "Clearly, it would assume so."

    Going over to the papers, he took one out and, after smoothing it out, looked at it. It appeared to be some kind of invention to help Sonic whenever he went underwater to fight Eggman's robots. Looking at some of the others, he saw different calculations and different designs, all of them having Tails think that it wouldn't work. A smile crossed Sonic's face; Tails was planning on making this invention to help him. After everything the older had done for the younger. "You're doing this... for me?" he asked.

    Tails nodded, wiping his face. "Least I could do after all the times you've helped me," he said, "but... I can't get it right. I've tried idea after idea for it, but none of those seem to work. And all this stress is giving me a headache."

    He sniffled. "I'll never get it right," he said as he started to cry again.

    Sonic knew that he had to help him feel better. And luckily, he knew how to do that. Once he was behind Tails again, he wrapped his arms around him and pressed his chest against Tails's back. He kissed the back of Tails's head as he let out a purr. Tails sighed at both contacts, shivering a bit. The moment he turned around, his lips were gently captured by Sonic's in a loving, brotherly kiss. They kissed like that again and again as their arms tightened their embrace around each other. When they finally separated, Tails's face was red and he was panting due to breath shortage. "S... Sonic..." he said, almost feeling a little dizzy.

    Sonic gently shushed him as he nuzzled his face against his little brother's. "Shhhhh. It's okay, my little baby kit," he said softly. "I won't ever harm you."

    Tails smiled a little. "Can... Can we cuddle?" he asked.

    Sonic smiled. "That's what I was planning for the both of us today," he said.

    Slipping his arms around Tails's back and under his knees, he picked him up and carried him to his home. Tails curled closer to this source of comfort, sighing happily. He buried his nose into Sonic's fur and breathed in the scent of the outdoors and of home, which was mixed with warmth and comfort. Arriving inside, Sonic laid Tails down on the couch and climbed on top of him, looking down at the fox below him. He took some time to admire how cute Tails looked with his goggles on his head before he laid down on him, pinning him gently so their faces were close to each other. After sharing a forehead nuzzle, they kissed once more, love filling them both from top to bottom. Sonic moved his arms around Tails so that he was holding him lovingly as he continued kissing him. Tails enjoyed every minute of it, his tails moving to wrap around Sonic's middle while his arms stayed around his neck.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now