Chapter 27

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    Sonic and Tails always loved spending time together, and this time was no different. They were currently sitting down on the couch in Tails's house watching TV. A funny cartoon was playing on the screen, the two laughing at the main characters' antics. At one point, Tails gazed up at Sonic before scooting close to him, his knees moving into Sonic's lap. "Thanks for spending the day with me Sonic," he said as he leaned into his side, nuzzling him. "I love you."

    Sonic smiled down at his little brother before pulling him fully into his lap, his arms wrapping around him in a return hug. "I love you too Tails," he said, planting a kiss into his forehead.

    This only made Tails smile and snuggle into him more, his head now pillowed in Sonic's chest and his twin namesakes wagging happily. A sneaky idea popping into his head, Sonic smirked playfully as his hands sneakily moved to Tails's side. Before Tails realized what was happening, he felt fingers scribbling into his side, tickling him. This caused Tails to giggle cutely, his smile truly adorable. He tried to escape, but Sonic kept him pinned where he was, laughing as well. "No where for you to escape, little buddy!" he said, keeping him close. "The tickle monster's got you this time!"

    Tails couldn't say anything due to his laughter. Finally managing to break away, he tried to find somewhere to hide. Spotting his room, he ran there and hid under the bed. But there was a problem: he forgot to close the door after he came in, so when he heard Sonic enter seconds later, he tried his best to be quiet so that he couldn't be found. After looking around for awhile, Sonic had an idea. "I wonder where he went?" he said to no one in particular. "He has to be around here somewhere, and I can't imagine where."

    Unfortunately, being 8, Tails couldn't help himself and giggles before he realized it. By the time he did, it was too late. Sonic looked under the bed and there he was. "Found you!" he said.

    Yelping, Tails scrambled out from under the bed and tried to run away. This time, Sonic was quicker. He tackled Tails to the floor and straddled him. "Too late, bub!" he said. "The tickle monster's finally got ya!" With that, he began tickling him again.

    Tails squealed in laughter as Sonic's ticklish fingers got him all over his upper body: his stomach, sides, chest, ribs, under his arms, and even along his jawline. Sonic was ticking him everywhere he could reach, laughing alongside him. He even took a chance and blew a couple raspberries on his little brother's stomach. Tails couldn't escape this time, not with Sonic's weight holding him down. Their brotherly laughter filled the room as the tickling continued for about a few more minutes until Tails's muzzle started to turn pink at the cheeks. "Sonic, stop!" he said, still laughing. "I need to breathe!"

    Noticing this, Sonic obliged and ceased his tickling. The moment he got off him, Tails curled up into a ball, still giggling as they caught their breath. "Enjoyed that a lot, didn't you?" asked Sonic.

    "Yeah," said Tails, nodding. "That was sneaky, Sonic."

    "And you are just a ticklish little furball," said Sonic as he ran a finger on Tails's jawline, causing the little fox to giggle once more. "The cutest little furball I've ever met."

    Tails blushed as he sat up. "Thanks, Sonic," he said, smiling at him.

    Sonic smiled back at him. Just then, a soft rumble of thunder caught their attention and made Tails's breath hitch. Then, the thunder rang out again, much louder this time. Tails flinched, his ears folding on his head, whimpering fearfully. Finally, a bright flash of lightning crackled across the sky, briefly lighting up the room. With a shriek of terror, Tails jumped into Sonic's lap, arms wrapping around his chest tightly as he clung to him as if he were a lifeline. He whimpered and cried, hating how his astrophobia made him feel like this.

    On instinct, Sonic wrapped his arms around his little brother with one hand cupping his head and petting behind his ears. "Sssshhhh, sshh, sshh, sssshhhh," he shushed, whispering into a flattened ear. "It's okay, Tails. I'm here. I'm here. The storm can't get you in here."

    Tails didn't say anything, but his tails wrapped themselves around Sonic's waist like a second set of arms. A purr came out of the kitsune as he slowly calmed down, but he was still crying. Sonic just stood, picking up his little brother, and went around closing his bedroom curtains so that his little brother wouldn't be disturbed further by the bright lightning. Tails whimpered pathetically, tightening his grip, not wanting to fall over. But Sonic's arms stayed around him, strong and protective as a purr of his own came out. "Big brother's got you, little baby," he said. "Big brother's got you."

    Hearing his big brother's soothing, comforting words made his ears slowly perk up, though he flinched every now and then at the thunder. Continuing to comfort his baby and not wanting to leave him alone, Sonic laid down in bed, taking his baby with him, and drew the covers over them both, his back facing the wall and window so that he was protecting him with his body. At this point, little by little, Tails was starting to feel better from Sonic's comforting words and his chest rumbling from his purrs. It was so soothing and loving that he curled closer, a mewl coming out of him. The weight of the bedsheets also helped, bringing a comforting warmth to him.

    What helped further was a lullaby that Sonic softly sung to him, his singing voice also so soothing and loving that it brought happy tears to Tails's eyes. One by one, Sonic kissed away his little brother's tears and wiped away the tear streaks left behind with his thumbs. Then, cupping his face in his hands, Sonic leaned towards Tails and kissed him gently, capturing his lips with his own. A smile appeared on Tails's face as he closed his eyes and returned it, breathing through his cute little nose. As they separated, they hugged once more, Sonic pressing his muzzle onto Tails's head, nuzzling him with his cheek. Tails climbed on top of him and laid there, his head pressing into Sonic's neck. Tiredness finally catching up to him, the little vulpine yawned adorably, his fangs showing, and snuggled closer into his older brother's embrace. "I love you, Sonic," he murmured sleepily.

    Sonic heard it anyway and, smiling happily, gently squeezed him close, kissing his forehead. "I love you too, Tails," he whispered into his ear.

    Then, still purring against each other, the two fell asleep in each other's embrace. These two were unbreakable.

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now