Chapter 37

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    Cosmo was still getting used to living on Earth after being resurrected from Tails' plant. She was learning a lot from Zooey and Sonic's team and seemed to get it pretty quickly. But there was always a downside or two to something like this. And this downside struck her fast and hard: cold weather.

    Now no one likes being around in the cold. Especially winter. Sure, winter's a fun time for kids to go out and play in the snow, but it can also be pretty hard for things like getting enough firewood to last through the season or attempting to stay warm with fireplaces and heaters. Plus, not getting sick was always something to attempt with little to no success. Sickness, either way, was no fun, something that Cosmo would soon learn...
    One day, Tails and Cosmo, all bundled up in winter gear (Cosmo had gotten hers thanks to Amy), were walking around the village. They figured that it would be a good idea to hang out with each other because of the pleasant day that was here. The sun was shinning on the snow, causing it to sparkle beautifully. Kids around them were having fun, whether it be having snowball fights, going sledding, or building snowmen or snowforts. Some were even making snow angels, which Cosmo found wonderful. Tails took notice. "Wanna try and make one?" he asked.

    "Sure," Cosmo nodded. "I'd love to."

    Tails smiled. "Okay. First thing you do is lay down on your back," he said, demonstrating.

    Cosmo did the same. "Next," Tails continued, "move your arms and legs up and down."

    Saying this, he did so, moving his tails in addition. Watching carefully, Cosmo did the same. Soon, the two were making show angels right alongside each other. After a while, Tails stopped. Cosmo did the same. "Now what?" she asked.

    "This is the best part," Tails replied. "Now we try to get up without ruining our work."

    He proceeded to do so, although he wobbled a little before getting his balance back. Cosmo gave it a try, but she almost fell backwards. Luckily, Tails caught her by wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her forward. Cosmo blushed at the action, but was grateful. After thanking him, the two looked down at their handiwork. "So beautiful," said Cosmo.

    "I think they turned out amazing," Tails agreed.

    Cosmo smiled as she turned to him. "I think so too," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

    Tails blushed at this. He really loved Cosmo ever since those caves. Continuing on, they eventually came to a lake. There were some people having fun with ice skating. Getting an idea, Tails took Cosmo over there, convincing her to give it a try. After getting a couple of skates for them both, they got them on and were soon on the lake. Cosmo was a little wobbly at first, but Tails had a steady hold on her. "It's okay, Cosmo," he said. "It was the same way for me my first time. I got you."

    Feeling better, Cosmo focused on her stability, Tails helping her the whole time. Soon, she was skating around with no trouble at all. Happily, she and Tails held hands as they skated on the lake, their cheeks turning a rosey red as they chatted happily. It felt like nothing bad would interrupt them. But then, disaster struck: Tails suddenly froze, his ears perking up as he heard a cracking sound. Cosmo heard it to, suddenly becoming frightened. "Tails, what's happening?" she asked.

    Holding a hand in front of her, Tails listened carefully, to see whether he was dreaming or not. However, his gaze turned to a crack in the middle of the icey lake that was now getting bigger. This made his eyes widen. "Everyone! Get off the ice!" he exclaimed. "It's cracking!"

    Not needing to be told twice, everyone quickly got off, screaming in fright. Cosmo ended up falling behind everyone else, but Tails was quick to pick her up in his arms and skate at full speed towards the snow. But by that point, the ice was falling away and quickly catching up to them. Knowing that he wouldn't make it, Tails threw Cosmo to safety on the snow before the ice cracked under him, causing him to fall into the icey water. "TAILS!" Cosmo exclaimed, watching as the fox splashed into the water with the broken ice.

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