Chapter 7

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    One day, Tails was in his workshop working on his inventions, tinkering with some of his previous ones, and fixing his plane, which luckily wasn't beyond repair after what happened. He'd been doing that for the past few days, and at this point, he was exhausted. After he was finally done with them, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, which at this point had dark circles under them since he didn't get any sleep then. He glanced up at his clock to check the time. "Goodness," he said. "I was so busy with stuff that I didn't even bother checking to see what time of day it was."

    He was going to check on the Tornado's engine next when Sonic arrived. "Hey Tails," he greeted. "Ready to spend time with your big bro?"

    "Hey there... *yawn* Sonic," said Tails. "Yeah, I'm... *yawn* ready."

    Immediately, Sonic grew concerned as he heard a couple yawns come out of Tails's mouth. "You okay?" he asked as he went over to him.

    Tails nodded in a weak attempt to tell Sonic he was fine, but his drooping eyelids and ears, dark eye circles, flat tails, dirty fur, and stumbling body language said everything. Placing his hands on Tails's shoulders in an effort to keep him steady, Sonic looked closely at him. "Bro, when was the last time you slept?" he asked.

    "I dunno," Tails mumbled. "A few days or so?"

    Sonic heard it however. "Kid, you gotta get some sleep," he said. "This isn't healthy for you."

    "Sorry," said Tails. "Lost track of time from all the tinkering and working on stuff in the last few days, especially my plane."

    "No kidding," Sonic said. "I think it's about time you got some much-needed rest. You look like a wreck."

    Tails didn't say anything. He just suddenly fell over (his legs having given up), landing on Sonic. Immediately, he snuggled close with a smile and a sigh, his arms wrapping around him. Sonic was surprised at first, but then just smiled in amusement as he returned the embrace, patting his head. "Suddenly falling asleep on me, are ya?" he asked.

    "You're comfy and warm," Tails mummered, yawning once more and snuggling in closer. "Why wouldn't I?"

    Sonic chuckled heartily to himself as he kept one arm wrapped around his shoulders while moving his other arm under his legs, right where his knees were. Standing up, he picked up his little brother, cradling him in his arms and adjusting his hold on him so that he'd be comfortable. "Let's just get you cleaned up and into bed, little pal," he whispered as he left the workshop.

    Tails just stretched out and curled in close, his arms now wrapping themselves around his neck. Sonic smiled at his cuteness as he carried him out of the workshop and to his house, heading to the restroom as soon as he entered. At that point, Tails was out like a light, finally getting some sleep after who knows how long. After getting him cleaned up without waking him, Sonic arrived at his little brother's room and placed Tails in bed and tucked him in, making sure he was warm and comfortable. He leaned over and hugged him, nuzzling his face against his own. I know that you want to help us and all little buddy, he thought. But you've gotta stop overworking yourself like this; it's not a good look for you. It's okay to rest up for a while. It's not like you're on a deadline or anything.

    He looked at his little brother with love in his eyes before kissing his forehead. "Sleep well, little brother," he whispered before getting up and leaving Tails to have a well-earned nap.
    Later, Sonic was walking around town when he happened to run into- you guessed it- Amy. "Hey Sonic," she said. "Funny seeing you here. Where's Tails? I thought he'd be with you today."

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now