Chapter 44

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    This one's the third.

    Ever since what happened the last time he met his parents for the first time after who knows how long, Tails tried to avoid them at all costs, not wanting the same thing to happen again. Sonic and Knuckles were always there for him as promised, determined to not let any lies separate them from their precious baby brother. After all, his parents were one of the main reasons why he was always bullied because of his namesakes in the first place. And why Tails eventually ended up abandoned by them and lived the miserable life he ended up living until Sonic came along and changed all that.

    Occasionally, nightmares and bad memories of his time on that horrible island flashed through his mind, not letting him forget any of it (though he'd rather do so). And the words and insults they gave him scarred him deeply, rooting themselves in his heart. But after what happened to him recently, Tails would be scarred for life...
    It all happened so fast. One day, Tails was in his workshop working on one of his inventions when he decided to go take a break. Exiting his shop, he headed inside his house and was taking a drink when he heard a hard knocking sound at his door. Confused, Tails headed over to the door but, before opening it, looked through a peep hole he built in, just in case. His fears crashed into him when he saw who was on the other side. Oh no! he thought. It's them!

    Sure enough, it was Tails' parents, who were standing in front of the door. Tails' mother continued banging on it, looking very cross. "Come out, Miles!" she said. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not!"

    Tails didn't say anything. He ran from the door and looked around the house frantically, looking for a place to hide. Thinking his closet would do the trick, he ran upstairs to his room, locked the door, and scuttled into his closet, arriving there just as the door broke open. Tails' parents entered the house, demanding that Tails come out to them. But Tails didn't say anything. He just curled into a ball and stayed silent, hoping that they would go away.
    Meanwhile, Cosmo was helping Zooey out with her gardening and chatting happily when a shouting noise reached them, surprising them both. "What the--?!" exclaimed Zooey, jumping up at the sound.

    Cosmo didn't have to wait a second. Immediately recognizing who that voice belonged to, she raced off. "Cosmo?! Where're you going?!" Zooey called.

    "Tails is in trouble!" Cosmo replied. "I have to save him!"

    Before Zooey could object, Cosmo raced off to Tails' house, her feet pounding the sand. Hoping to make it in time, she didn't dare stop. Hearing footsteps behind her, Cosmo turned her head to see Sonic and Knuckles catching up to her, Amy and Sticks running behind them. "We're coming with you!" Sonic said. "You're not doing this on your own!"

    Knuckles agreed as he picked up Cosmo with one arm so that she wouldn't fall behind. Quickly, the thankful Seedrian called the police on her communicator and let them know of the situation as the friends continued on their way. All five hoped that they would get to Tails on time before it was too late.
    Meanwhile, back in his closet, Tails was still hiding in the dark, shivering in fear. He was pressed up against the corner, hiding under a big pile of his sweaters. He curled into himself, whimpering behind his tails, which were wrapped around him to offer what comfort they could. He prayed and prayed that his parents would leave and that his big brother would take him in his arms and comfort him. Horrible past memories of how he was previously treated by everyone at Westside flashed through his head, making him let out muffled cries in his appendages. He just wanted it all to be over.

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