Chapter 19

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    Some days, a person can get pretty stressed out with something. Whether that be a bad day at work or something not really working out the way you planned. Just those two alone could make anyone's day bad. And in Tails's case, it was the latter.

    One day, Tails sighed irritably as he ran a hand through his fur. He was in his workshop at the time, attempting to create a new invention that would help them out with their fights against Eggman's robots. But so far, no matter how many test runs he did with it, something was always wrong with it, making him go back to the drawing board. At this point, his desk was covered with crumpled-up pieces of paper and a lot of stress was building up in him. He was determined to get it right, but that wasn't happening anytime soon.

    Regardless, he decided to do one more test run on it. So far, it was going well, but just as it got to full power, it started shaking around wildly while sparks flew all over the place. Tails (who was taking notes) quickly took notice of it. Panicked, he tried turning it off, but it was too hot. Worse, his gloves easily got stuck to it. With a few grunts, he managed to get his hands free and attempted to run out of the way, but before he could make it out of the workshop, he tripped over a stray wrench while at the same time, an explosion occurred, throwing him right up into the ceiling, his face slamming onto it before he fell onto the floor. Everything went black.
    Meanwhile, Sonic, Sticks, and Knuckles were all at Amy's house for Thanksgiving, which was a few weeks away. Amy and Sticks were talking in the kitchen while working. Sonic and Knuckles were in a heated videogame match, with Sonic, of course, winning. "No fair! I want a rematch!" Knuckles growled.

    "Oh, I'm sure you'll win eventually," Sonic chuckled with a smirk.

    "Says the guy who doesn't lose," Amy chuckled. She loved Sonic, but his ego was a whole different matter.

    Sonic was about to reply when suddenly, the sound of an explosion reached their ears. "What the heck was that?" Sticks asked, poking her head out of the kitchen.

    Sonic glanced over to the window at where a large plume of smoke was currently rising into the sky. "I don't know," he said, "but it appears that our rematch will have to wait. Let's go check it out."

    With that, they ran out of the house and towards where the smoke was coming from. Eventually arriving at the source, Sonic's eyes widened. "TAILS!!!" he exclaimed, racing towards the now-burning workshop.

    And sure enough, inside the burning structure, there was Tails, laying on his back near the exit. He had black spots all over him, and his head had a bump on the back. Moving his bandana over his mouth and nose to keep himself from inhaling any smoke, Sonic ran in, grabbed his unconscious brother, and managed to drag him out of there. Upon arriving, Knuckles immediately remembered something and ran inside before Sonic had a chance to stop him. Seconds later, the Echidna ran back out with the white flowerpot. He'd gotten Cosmo's plant! And was now coughing a little due to all the smoke. When the two girls finally arrived, Amy immediately called the fire department while Sticks immediately turned on the hose to try and get the fire down until help arrived. Knuckles was sitting a distance away with the plant in his hand. Sonic went over to check on him. "You okay?" he asked.

    "I'll be fine," Knuckles answered. "Just a little smoke. Tails has probably gotten the worst of it, though. You might oughta keep an eye on him."

    Nodding, Sonic went over to where he left Tails: lying under the shade of a tree. He knelt down next to him and, leaning down, placed an ear over his chest where his heart was, hoping he was alive. To his relief, his keen hearing picked up a steady "bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum" sound, indicating that Tails was alive. A sigh of relief came out of Sonic as he sat back up. "Keep resting, pal," he said. "I'll get you to Amy's place."

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