Chapter 38

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    Tails was super nervous. Not because he was planning a date for himself and Cosmo (they weren't even close to that yet), but because of an entirely different reason. His parents, who had kicked him out of their home years ago, had now moved here to Bygone Island on the pretext of wanting to see their son. Tails didn't really like his parents, because they, along with the entire town and his bullies back at Westside Island, always tormented him because of his namesakes and his smarts. And now, his parents wanted Tails to come over and talk with them. They claimed that it was because they wanted to make peace with him, but Tails really didn't believe them. Who could blame him?

    But at the same time, he hoped that they would give him the love that he always wanted to have. That was why he stood nervously in front of his restroom mirror, looking at himself in his reflection one last time, hoping that he looked perfect enough. Sonic and Knuckles were on either side of him, consoling him. "It'll be fine, Tails," said Sonic. "Besides, maybe your parents really do want to apologize for what they've done."

    "Maybe," Tails said, shrugging. "But at the same time, I know that they're not telling the truth. That's why I'm nervous."

    "Well, whether you want to go see them or not, it's okay either way," Knuckles said. "We're not gonna judge you."

    Tails sighed, his tails twitching behind him. "No," he said, making his decision. "Let's just get this over with."

    Understanding, the two older brothers accompanied Tails to the door, ready to go (and having their own secret fears about how it could go). "It's okay, Tails," Sonic reassured. "The whole time, we'll be right here beside you, alright?"

    Tails nodded as they headed out.
    Unfortunately, Sonic's and Knuckles' inner fears were later confirmed. Zooey and Cosmo were at the market chatting happily while buying some flower seeds for the front of Zooey's house; Cosmo was wanting to spruce it up with some color. Just then, a commotion reached their ears. Looking behind them, they were in time to see Tails running past them, crying, with Sonic and Knuckles running after him, the Echidna angrily cussing at Tails' parents under his breath (he sometimes struggled not to do so out loud in public).

    This concerned them. "Think he's okay?" asked Cosmo.

    "Considering his reaction to whatever happened? Doubt it," said Zooey. "Especially if you see Knuckles reacting like that."

    This made Cosmo even more worried. "Think we could check on him later?" she asked.

    "Maybe," Zooey answered. "Depends on whether he's doing okay later on. But you made a wise choice; giving someone some space in distressed times like this is important. You wouldn't want to overwhelm them too much."

    Cosmo nodded. Making a few mental notes on how to help Tails later, she headed back home with Zooey.
    Meanwhile, Tails had stumbled towards his home, out of breath from running and from crying the whole way there. He managed to make it inside and to the couch before he finally fell. Trying to calm himself down by taking slow, deep breaths, it only resulted in hiccups, making it harder on his lungs. Shortly after that, there was a knock on the door. "Tails, can we come in?" asked an all-too familiar voice.

    Knowing who it was, Tails managed to say "Yes" before continuing to try and calm himself. The door opened and someone could be heard entering. A hand was gently placed on his back, rubbing soothing circles into it. This helped some, as Tails began finally calming down. The hand then migrated to his head, gently scritching behind his ears. Tails sighed as a purr came out of him, happy at the loving touch. A pair of lips touched his cheek in a kiss, and something rubbed against his face, nuzzling him. "There you go, little buddy," said the voice. "It's okay. I'm here."

Sonic and Tails Brotherly Oneshots (Sonic Boom version)Where stories live. Discover now